Talk:Flame War

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Politics and religion. That is all.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs) one of the first examples posted in the Real Life section, with potholes to the Cautious Editing Judgment rule, right before at least 50% of the examples following it proceed to be one of those two things. That's just not on.

I've set aside some time to cleanup that section tomorrow, so before that, I want to solicit a few ideas about how to go about the cleanup of this section properly - naturally my inclination is to torch only the most obviously 'incautious' examples and go from there, but there's usually a better idea somewhere out there, so if you have it, then shoot.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

You're right - that is not all. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix that without mentioning real-world disputes... which, IMHO, is a bad idea.

If you can come up with something, please do fix this!

Derivative (talkcontribs)

Just replace that is all with "in general".

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Either way, without expansion that'll get a {{context}} tag hung on it - see ATT:ZCE. EDIT: In fact, it just did - from me.

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