"Just remember that Nostalgia Critic is always watching. He'll always be there to... watch you. Except for Dragon Ball, I'm not watching that. So, umm, yeah. I'm evil, watching you... umm... Muahahahaha ...fuck it."

The Nostalgia Critic to Paw, Sean, Rollo T, Y Ruler of Time and Lord Kat after their review of Dragonball Evolution

"I used to watch a lot of the TGWTG crew regularly, in the hopes of using examples of bad writing they display and explain to help me in my own writing. It wasn't until I started watching Linkara, and he started injecting his 'plots' into his reviews, that it occurred to me I might be better off looking elsewhere for inspiration and guidance."

A Useless Fish, KiwiFarms thread about The Spoony One