The Cabin

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The Cabin is a Spice Girls/Backstreet Boys fic written by AuthorSpice on Wattpad. In preparation for a joint tour, the Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys travel to a secret location in Germany for a few months of rehearsals out of the watchful eye of the media. The two bands stay together in a cabin off the beaten path, of which they are unaware has a dark and evil history and a lingering entity awaiting a host to release it.

Tropes used in The Cabin include:
  • Haunted Headquarters: The Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys are housed in a rented cabin in a mountainous area of Germany, far from the prying eyes of the media. Unfortunately, their team didn't do their research ahead of time and placed them in a notoriously haunted house.
  • Spooky Seance: After finding a Ouija board in a closet, Geri and Mel decided to give it a go. They make a connection, but their session is interrupted when Melanie throws the board in the fire. Nick and Geri also use the Oujia board in the bell tower of a church and get in contact with Dr. Sauer.
  • Ghost Story: While shopping at a local Wiccan shop, Geri and Mel meet with the seer Lady Violet who informs the girls of the dangers lurking in the cabin. Geri also does her own research, learning much of the dark history of the cabin from local history books and newspaper articles.
  • Haunted House Historian: Lady Violet, the seer Mel and Geri visit, tells them of the backstory of the spirits within the house, but has limited knowledge of what actually happened and refuses to be of any help.
  • You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost: Melanie is the first to witness the supernatural, and while no one else sees what she does, they know something has frightened her. As spooky things continue to occur within the cabin, Victoria, AJ, Emma, Nick, Geri, and Mel have similar individual experiences to Melanie.
  • Whispering Ghosts: In the beginning, Melanie hears someone saying her name. Thinking it's just her friends messing with her, she thinks nothing of it. The voices later speak to her in both German and English, messing with her to make her feel as though she's going mad.
  • Ghostly Chill: The temperature often drops within the cabin with the entities are active.
  • Creepy Basement: Melanie's room is in the basement. While on the surface it looks fine, things begin to happen that terrify her. Emma also has a terrifying experience while in the basement.
  • Artifact of Doom: Melanie finds a key tucked away in a vent in her room. She can't figure out what it opens, but it subconsciously guides her closer to the evil entity within the cabin.
  • Haunted Heroine: Melanie, to a degree. The evil spirit within the cabin preys on victims with a weakness and immediately picks up on Melanie's and targets her for a Demonic Possession.
  • Secret Keeper: Worried she's going mad, Melanie does her best to hide her symptoms, which turn out to be a demonic possession.
  • Rain of Blood Melanie experiences this whilst in the shower.
  • Ankle Drag While trying to escape the basement, Melanie is grabbed and dragged by one of the entities.
  • Waking Up Elsewhere: In trying to get away from the presence in the basement, Melanie chooses to sleep in the living room, but wakes up back in the basement.
  • Kind Restraints: After being attacked by the spirits in the basement, Melanie is led to believe she cannot allow herself to leave the cabin. In order to force her out, she is restrained and given a sedative.
  • Fainting: Geri faints while watching Melanie's lumbar puncture.
  • Overdrawn At the Blood Bank Melanie's blood pressure is to be found extremely low, which her doctor theorizes could be from blood letting. She also nearly passes out at the table in the kitchen after what we later learn was a blood letting session.
  • For Your Own Good: Melanie is forced to take antipsychotic medication.
  • Nosebleed Melanie has a few further along in her possession.
  • Blood From the Mouth: Blood pours from Melanie's mouth with no seemingly no cause further into her possession.
  • Jump Scare There are a few where Melanie appears out of nowhere.
  • Windows to the Soul: Melanie's eyes change colour depending on which entity has taken over.
  • Your Soul Is Mine: While Melanie's soul isn't technically taken, it's pushed back into the recesses of her mind, removing her ability to control her own body.
  • Horny Devils: Franziska, one of the Dr. Sauer's patients, had been diagnosed with a compulsive sexual behaviour. The entity of Franziska uses that sexual desire to attack her prey. She attempts to seduce both Melanie and Simon and succeeds in seducing AJ, making him think that he was actually sleeping with Melanie. Following his sexual encounter with Franziska, she convinces him that he had raped Melanie in an attempt to break him and make him a potential new host.
  • Self-Harm: Amelie was another one of Dr. Sauer's patients, admitted to his clinic for her habit of cutting herself, which her parents assumed had to have been due to demonic possession. Melanie sees Amelie's body hanging from a tree on multiple occasions. When Amelie's spirit possesses Melanie, she forces Melanie to cut herself, which Melanie attempts to stop, cutting the word "Help" into her skin, but her cry for help isn't taken seriously. When Simon finally decides to send Melanie home, the spirits make it appear as though Melanie has hung herself to prevent her from leaving.
  • The Calls Are Coming From Inside the House: Throughout Melanie's illness/possession, many calls are made to her doctor, all of which are actually intercepted by the spirits in the house. After Melanie's death is staged, her friends learn that they had never spoken with her doctors after her release from hospital.
  • Ghostly Goals: The spirit within the cabin is pure evil with its sole intent to spread that evil and completely take over everyone and everything.
  • Broken Masquerade: The entity within the cabin preys on its victims weakness and immediately latches on to Melanie's imposter syndrome, which had led her to develop anorexia in her attempt to strive for perfection. These traits are picked up on by her friends throughout her possession.