The Dark Knight Saga: Difference between revisions

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(tbh haven't seen this is a while, but I'm quite sure this is the case)
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* [[Disguised Hostage Gambit]]: {{spoiler|The Joker pulls this near the end with the people he kidnapped from the hospital, dressing them up as his henchmen while the real henchmen disguise themselves as doctors. This forces Batman to stop the SWAT team from making a fatal mistake.}}
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: The Joker {{spoiler|almost suffers this, but is saved by Batman.}} Bonus points for adding maniacal laughter to the fall. Done a few minutes later to {{spoiler|Harvey Dent, but there are some who [[He's Just Hiding|believe he survived]] the fall. Despite [[Word of God]] saying he's dead.}}
* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Batman never uses guns as guns against people. However, on at least one occasion he has takengrabbed the gunsgun of enemiesan enemy and used themit as a blunt instrumentsinstrument and his bat mobile seems to have guns which he has used against a building. Also, while the Joker certainly isn't averse to using guns, he [[Knife Nut|prefers knives]] because he thinks guns are too quick, and he would [[Loves the Sound of Screaming|much prefer to savour all the little emotions]].
* [[Dragon-in-Chief]]: The Joker offers to work as [[The Dragon]] for the mob to take out Batman, but he really wants to use their money to bring chaos to the streets and become Batman's archenemy. He doesn't think highly of the mob and believes the city deserves a better class of criminal... so he takes over. [[Complete Monster|In a decidedly hostile way]].
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: Dent {{spoiler|believes that the police and Batman decided to save him instead of Rachel, when in reality, the Joker set it up such that they'd be saving the person they hadn't intended to save}}. Also counts because you already know what's bound to happen to Harvey: When Bruce talks about him at the fundraiser, he says, "Look at that face. [[Analogy Backfire|That's the face of Gotham's future.]]"
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* [[Your Mom]]: The Joker used this insult about Gambol's grandmom to make him pissed.
* [[Zero-Approval Gambit]]: The ending.
== The Dark Knight Rises ==