• Fan Nickname: Jaune's maternal grandmother Jeanne Roma was routinely referred to by readers posting on Spacebattles.com as "Granny GivesNoFucks".
  • Genius Bonus: All the Kaballah and mythological references, starting with Ziz and never stopping. Looking up on Wikipedia anything you don't recognize and looks like it might be a name Ryuugi just made up will prove very enlightening.
  • Holy Shit Quotient: The story runs on this. Expect no less than one "holy shit!" moment per flashback, encounter or combat.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Jaune rapidly evolves into one, just out of the need to keep juggling all his various personae -- and the powers he gains as he does so only help him manage the massive multi-face masquerade he's maintaining.
  • Paranoia Fuel:
    • For Jaune, the possibility that Ozpin could be a Rider.
    • Raven Branwen, full stop. Her portals are far more flexible than the canon version, and make her a virtually unstoppable spy, infiltrator and assassin, should she wish to be. Even Jaune can't determine her limits -- or even if she has limits. Just mentioning her was enough to give Jaune's grandmother (see Fan Nickname, above) an Oh Crap moment.
  • The Woobie: Weiss, above and beyond her Butt Monkey status. Jaune, by pure chance, is forced to abuse her again and again, even going so far as needing to steal a Tragic Keepsake from her, and the simple disparity in power levels makes it almost literally stealing candy from a baby; he can't help but feel awful about what he's put her through.

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