The Magnificent Seven/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • All-Star Cast: Quite possibly the coolest in the history of cinema: Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn, James Coburn, Brad Dexter, and Horst Buchholz are the Seven, and at least five of them went on to become A-list stars, in part thanks to this movie (Eli Wallach is no-one to sneeze at, either).
    • Horst Bucholz didn't become an A-list star in America, but he did become exceptionally popular in European cinema, meaning poor Brad Dexter was the only member of the main cast who didn't become a big star in some way.
  • Enforced Method Acting: Or something close to it: the locals who portrayed Calvera's gang adopted Eli Wallach as one of their own, taking him riding on horseback every day in full costume and treating him as their boss, for the entire duration of the shoot. Wallach essentially lived the better parts of Calvera's life, and ended up knowing every man in the gang as well as Calvera knew his men.
  • Star-Making Role: For Steve McQueen.