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* The Egyptian government attempted to [[Invoked Trope|invoke]] this during the Revolution of 2011, by withdrawing the police forces and opening the prisons, causing violence and havoc. The people weren't fooled: they formed local defense associations to fight back the criminals, and virtually all of the actual protesters calling for the downfall of the regime were entirely peaceful.
* After its Quiet Revolution in the 1960s, many residents of the Canadian province of Quebec wanted it to become an independent country. Most Quebec separatists wanted to secede democratically, but the Front de Liberation du Quebec aimed to turn the province into a Marxist-Leninist state by force. After kidnapping British diplomat James Cross and murdering Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte, the FLQ was finally crushed after federal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act and deployed troops onto the streets of Montreal.
* The Syrian civil war started with the opposition armed with whatever weapons they could get against the army, who ruthlessly gunned down anyone who opposed Bashar al-Assad's rule and [[Moral Event Horizon|deployed chemical weapons and incendiaries against civilians]]. Over time, the opposition became more and more radicalized, and terrorist groups began co-opting the revolution for their own purposes. Things started getting bad when reports started coming out of the rebels using [[Child Soldiers]], [[I'm A Humanitarian|eating enemy soldiers']] [ hearts], and performing [ crucifixions]. As of 2015, almost all the secular and/or moderate rebels have been killed or otherwise neutralized, and the [[Evil Versus Evil|major anti-Assad forces left are the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front]] (which is al-Qaida's official branch in Syria).
* Syria teeters to this and civil war, the Syrain opposition are armed with whatever weapons they can get against the Syrian army, who ruthlessly gun down anyone who opposses Assad's rule. Meanwhile Assad seems oblivious as to all of the fighting that's going on.