The War of 1812: Difference between revisions

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* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: The American army under Winfield Scott and Jacob Brown during the 1814 Niagara Campaign.
* [[Underdogs Never Lose]]: The Canadian forces inflicted far greater casualties against a larger opposing army without much support from Britain. Meanwhile the young United States was able to militarily challenge the most powerful nation in the world and fight it to a standstill.
* [[We Win Because You Didn'tDid Not]]: Even though America failed to accomplish most of its primary objectives, the US maintains that it "won" because it didn't technically lose ("We got respect from Britain"). While Canada takes the same opinion for themselves ("We threw back multiple American invasions from our lands").
* [[You Are in Command Now]]: John Macdonell after the death of Isaac Brock. Unfortunately, it didn't last too long.
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: Pulled by Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans, and by Joshua Barney's now-shipless flotilla against the British forces advancing on Washington after the Battle of Bladensburg ''while American militia fled past them in terror''.
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