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== [[Advertising]] ==
* Louie the Fly, in the Mortein insect spray commercials. For the character's 50th anniversary, Mortein are having a public poll on whether to kill him off permanently.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* There is a character in ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' who gets killed off several times and always looks the same, but never gets lines (or a name).
* Hyatt of ''[[Excel Saga (manga)|Excel Saga]]''. Often many times an episode.
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** And as of the special, every death is accompanied with "You aren't human!", [[Shout-Out|the Japanese localization of]] ''[[South Park]]'''s "You bastards!"
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Great Lakes Avengers]]
** [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Mr. Immortal]]. His one power is the ability to come back from the dead after a few minutes. Since he has a considerable lack of fighting skills, [[Good Thing You Can Heal|this mostly translates to him frequently dying in a variety of hilariously painful and bizarre ways.]] Death by giant novelty scissors, death by impalement from a remote control, death by alcohol poisoning from a ray that was only supposed to make him drunk...
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* Freddy in ''[[Horndog]]''.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* In the ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' fanfic ''Cid Wars'', [[Those Two Guys|Biggs and Wedge]] are killed every time they show up, amounting to at least a dozen times over the course of the fic.
** A [[Fan Fiction]].Net author by the handle of Carbuncle frequently kills off Aeris in his ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' fanfics, which is followed by exclamations of "Oh my god, they killed Aeris!" "You beasts!" This is an obvious reference to Kenny's deaths on ''[[South Park]]''.
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* Master Pangloss from Voltaire's [[Candide]] dies a few times.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Dinosaurs]]'' had a [[Show Within a Show]] called Ask Mr. Lizard. The young volunteer, Timmy, would die as a result of the science experiment every episode, prompting Mr. Lizard to spout his much anticipated [[Catch Phrase]], "We're gonna need another Timmy!"
* [[Saturday Night Live|Mr. Bill]] is another early example.
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* Jack Harkness of ''[[Torchwood]]'' and ''[[Doctor Who]]'' gets killed numerous times, but he's immortal, so it doesn't stick.
* Due to the fact that he's literally a crash dummy, Buster from ''[[MythBusters]]'' is "killed" frequently by being put in situations that most often would be fatal to any actual people who were subjected to them. There have also been a few occasions where Buster has been so trashed that he's had to be completely rebuilt.
* Obligatory Lana Lang from ''[[Smallville]]'' reference. Well first she died in a car crash but then Clark flew around the world to reverse time like in the film and brought Lana back to life, [[Balancing Death's Books|resulting in the death of his father instead.]] Great to have you back, [[Creator's Pet/Live -Action TV|Lana]].
** Then she apparently died in ''another'' car accident when a bomb went off underneath her truck. Turned out she'd faked her death and was living in Shanghai as a fake blonde. Naturally she came back to Smallville to relive the horror, cry some more, and break a few more hearts before being [[Put on a Bus]] and she hasn't been seen since.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
== = [[Card Games]] ===
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' features a [ handful] [ of] [ cards] whose [[Flavor Text]] references the various deaths of a hapless goblin named Furt.
** More famously, there's [ Squee], who eventually proved to be so popular he got his own card, complete with a returning-to-play mechanic.
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** This also applies doubly to [[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]].
== [[Video Games]] ==
* Any video game where the player's character can be killed can be this if the player is bad or the game is hard. Some games try to find creative ways of making every death part of the actual plot.
* The Black Baron in ''[[MadWorld]]''. He introduces every death trap-based [[Mini Game]] in the game... and is ''always'' thrown into them by his [[The Speechless|wordless]] [[The Masochism Tango|girlfriend.]] "[[Catch Phrase|Aw, hell naw...]]"
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* ''[[Demon's Souls]]'' as a whole makes the player character this Trope; a lower then average player can expect to die at least 100 times. Quite possibly all on the 1st level.
== [[Web Animation]] ==
* ''[[Homestar Runner|]]'': Teen Girl Squad!]]
* The Spelunker in the ''[[Michael Jackson|Michael Quest]]'' flash series by Sikamako.
* John & Richie animations do this pretty often with [[Author Avatar|John]].
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* Anton the toast from ''[[The Amazing World of Gumball]]'' is often eaten alive, but he always gets better.
* Rigby from ''[[Regular Show]]'' has died or almost died on multiple occasions, often getting better through supernatural means.
== Other Media ==
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