Too Dumb to Live/Tabletop Games: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[BattleTech]]'' Clan Ice Helion historically had a bad habit of rushing into situations without thinking. This resulted in them being one of the weakest of the Clans and they were derided by their fellows as "Clan Tantrum". However they only truly hit this trope when they tried to invade the Inner Sphere on their own; something that ''seven'', vastly superior Clans had (at best) limited success with. They were promptly ripped apart before they even reached the Inner Sphere as they ran straight into the Occupation Zone of the much stronger Jade Falcon and Hell's Horses Clans. They now act as a glorified pirate band to acquire resources.
* In ''[[Rifts]]'' there are aliens called the Arkhon, a race of (not proud) warriors. One particular clan has lost favor, and decides to redeem themselves by invading Earth. The reasoning behind this is that the Arkhons had attempted an invasion on Earth a few thousand years ago, and had gotten utterly routed by the magic of the Incan Empire. Basically, the plan was to go to a planet that had proven itself to be more than a match for them when said race thought bronze was the height of technology, and has presumably been advancing steadily ever since then, and try and take it over. Even ignoring the fact that the Arkhons didn't know about the [[Crapsack World|insanity]] that had happening on Earth over the last few hundred years, the Arkhons were more or less committing very elaborate suicide.
* On the [[Magic: The Gathering]] plane of Innistrad the vampires began to hate humans and triedwithout toSorin's exterminateintervention themwould (andhave theyprobably arewiped stillthem trying)out, eventually. Humans are implied to be pretty much the only thing vampires can eat (aside from other vampires), and eating is not optional. Its not like they can leave Innistrad either because plane to plane travel is very restricted for non-planeswalkers (Sorin can come and go as he pleases though). Modern vampires often consider themselves saviors of humanity, although the narrative doesn't exactly agree.[]
[[Category:Too Dumb to Live]]
[[Category:Tabletop Game TropesGames]]
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