Topic on User talk:NoxiousSludge

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

The title says it all. Quite frankly I just can't be bothered with this site anymore.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

That's regrettable, but I understand. You're always welcome back if you like, and you made a lot of good posts while you were here.

Good luck with your other endeavors. ;)

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I hate to say it, but I pussied out and came back. I was just in a bad spot mentally, but I realized that leaving sites that gave me something to do was not the answer, so boom. I'm here to stay I guess. I'm sorry for bothering you and coming off as a typical creepy loser troper or whatever.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Dude, you're cool, really. :)

I've had days where I take one look at the wiki I founded and I barely want to get near the place because I'm feeling emo and all, so I just take a sabbatical until I feel better.

It's called needing to take a WikiBreak, happens to all of us, and I'd rather you do what you gotta do than suffer total burnout.

That in mind, just remember than if you have to say to yourself, "screw it, I'm out", no one, me especially, is going to give you any grief over it.

If anything, we just wish you the best, and if you come back, like you just have, all we want to do is give you a WikiHug and hope you have some more fun.

So, I repeat, you're fine, and I hope you feel better now. ^_^

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I don't feel better in the slightest, but thanks for the kind words anyway. You're a damn good administrator, the anti-Fast Eddie if you will.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Welcome back, NS. You're in good company -- just like Geth there are times when I want to walk away from troping in its entirety, and I named this damned site. Your presence is welcome; your departure would be regretted. Either way we respect and understand your choice, as we've faced the same thing ourselves.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Please don't ever leave? :(