Topic on User talk:NoxiousSludge

Yeah, I'm real sorry about that. I actually didn't know that Lusamine had been added to the do not add page (I've barely been here the past few months, been busy with a lot of other games and a Steven Universe fanfic that I've kinda sorta been penning up due to absolutely HATING how the show handled a favorite character of mine, but that's neither here nor there, hee hee). I really should have looked there instead of wasting my time spending a few months debating on whether I should or should not post her. Because geez, she is to me what Ghetsis is to you. ._.

But I'm not gonna be like a certain ban evader and her alt account- er, sister and beat a dead horse: I'll let sleeping dogs lie. And hey, I honestly took down her entry after immediately regretting it since I knew that it wasn't gonna fly (As loathsome, unlikable, and honestly, incredibly unsympathetic as I find her, you really can't ignore her final moment on screen). And as for getting the detail regarding the circumstances of her trying to kill Lillie wrong, chalk that up to me posting without refreshing my memory. I totally thought that was what happened. :p

But I dunno, I honestly just can't bring myself to really feel sorry for her. Even with Nihelego's venom taken into account, I still don't feel that it makes her sympathetic in the slightest since even if she were fanatically devoted to looking out for her parasite's well-being, things like her awful behavior towards her children and the way she callously hurt other Pokemon can't really be explained with "The big bad Ultra Beast made her do it, she's just a poor innocent victim!"

But I dunno, in general I just couldn't stand her character, which is funny because I think Gen 7 was really strong characterization-wise. Mainly it's because she ran afoul of probably the queen mother of "tropes" that rub me the wrong way: forcing you to feel sorry for a villain who doesn't warrant any sympathy, or commits actions too horrible to balance out their more sympathetic qualities (And on top of that they gave her a half-assed redemption. She's right up there with Hilda and Sasuke in regards to unsympathetic "tragic" villains who got off way too easy). But also, the Aether Foundation just... weren't really good villains. Just about everyone saw the "Aether Foundation are evil" twist coming from a mile away, and I can't help but feel that unlike Team Skull, they weren't fleshed out enough. Their only real saving graces to me are the fact that the female grunts and Wicke are adorable.

But hey, I'm not gonna rant and go nuts. Like I said, I'll concede and let it be since while I heavily disagree with the notion, she doesn't count. And on an unrelated note, it looks like I'm gonna have to delete a CM entry I made for Yellow Diamond on Steven Universe's YMMV page since barring a plot twist revealing that she's faking it, Yellow seems to have a genuine redeeming quality going for her as of the most recent episode (And on that note, I'm also worried that she'll fall victim to "Clumsily handled "Sympathetic" villain syndrome since the show's writing has been less-than-steller lately). Talk about jumping the gun, heh heh.