Topic on User talk:Looney Toons

Given the process of elimination, since you have contacted Labster and LT, but not myself or the other admins, you apparently believe one of us you haven't contacted is persecuting you and will immediately get you re-banned under whatever account you had originally.

I am not an unreasonable human being, and if it was me or another admin and your ban was unreasonable, I or whomever you seem to be fearful of will recuse ourselves and abide by the decisions of the other admins if your ban was unfair and we will accept a rebuke for our unfair actions if need be.

If you cannot trust we apply our own rules to the staff here as well as users equally, and if you refuse to be more exact about the circumstances, there is no way for you to implore relief here that will get anything accomplished.

And if you were banned for legitimate reasons and think this will help you get around it, then I'm sorry, it will stand if the reasons are jointly agreed by the other admins to have been reasonable.