Topic on User talk:Looney Toons

That pic I posted showing why MM was banned was the tipping point.

MM is the undisputed king of "not letting things drop". If need be, I can send you tons of correspondence I have had with Wikia staff about his extensive history of ban evasion and general drama bombing there, and my unfortunate experience with him happen on our Wikia fork, and when I had to ban him there for causing a ton of disruption, he globally ban evaded no less than five times just to force me to change my mind, and since he was hellbent of defying global bans to get back onto Wikia, including outright lies to staff, using other people's accounts, and so on, I promised Wikia I would report him whenever I caught him, even if it didn't not directly involve me, especially since he deliberately decided to lie to Wikia staff members about the actions of other staff members in order to get his ban overturned (again, I have correspondence to prove this).

It is this he considers "harassment", despite the fact I was assisting Wikia staff in enforcing their own rules (which is encouraged and had their explicit approval), and as seen in the screenshot, you are supposed to attempt to get users who are breaking rules to cease doing so personally, then invoke staff if they prove recalcitrant.

It is as a result of doing so that led to him following me here and continuing to badger me, and since he stalked me across several wikis on Wikia to do the same, I was not about to risk a repeat.

That aside, his actual conduct here was not that offensive, and as you saw, I told him if he was willing to let things drop and not import offsite drama, his stay here was assured, but that step he was not willing to take, hence the banhammer.

FYI, the correspondence in question concerns emails to Wikia staff, which can be forwarded via Gmail if need be.