Topic on Talk:Fuck No TVTropes

Need More Examples

Jade Shauni (talkcontribs)

While I'm cleaning up my mess (Before I add anything else for the meantime), editing/adding/tweaking, and such. What are good examples to add in the "wimpificaiton" besides FNTVT and Encyclopedia Dramaticia? I'm searching the "Banned on TVT" list and I know I can't add the weeb stuff.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Take care of the cleanup first. Additional examples can be added later.

Jade Shauni (talkcontribs)

No problem, I did some of it last night the moment I got your message. I'm now trying to get the ones that I know I can fix.

Jade Shauni (talkcontribs)

Question before I go further with the clean up was Mark and Bogleech the same person? I thought that the mod guy and Bogleech are two different people.