Topic on Talk:Mechanical Abomination

Fair, I didn't explain it well enough.

A Mechanical Monster would be some tiers above a mere mechanical mook and employed as a sort of "boss", thus meaning they're more unique and less prone to the flaws of mass-production or Conservation of Ninjitsu, and are suitably monstrous and inhuman in appearance or power to boot. It'll be much more durable and persistent than the assembly line Mecha Mook, and might exhibit some rudimentary levels of intelligence, sentience or sapience at the least, up to being potentially humanlike. Think something like Amazo.

A Mechanical Abomination would be just that - a Cosmic Horror-level quasi-Eldritch machine; Mechanical Monsters have to obey at least some form of technological and/or physical laws, and the Mechanical Abomination eschews that thoroughly by operating on incomprehensible levels in both technological power and/or intelligence. Said intelligence can also enhance the "abominable" feel by allowing it to operate on a level that's close to humanity, but still more than 'alien' enough that it becomes terrifying. Think Skynet.