Topic on User talk:Kuma

Alright, the focus of the trope is supposed to be on superpowers related to pheromones where one aspect of such a power can lead to an infatuation or mind control. In other forms, there are other application like in elDIVE where aliens can use their pheromones as form of attack like creating a blade that can cut through an opponent like butter. Stacy X has pheromones produced on her skin where once person makes physical contact with it, their bodily functions will be stimulated such as increasing their stamina or inducing a bodily function like vomiting. Wallflower can make people feel the same emotions she feel through pheromones. Alphas have two forms of people that can make a pheromone but are different; one can cause someone to go berserk while another can cause an emotional attachment. The power itself is taking the biological attribute of pheromones and using for different effects. The most common result is putting them in a love spell or mind control but that just seems like the popular from in media. A Charm Person from what I can read can come from any source such as magic, hypnosis, psychic powers, or by them just being beautiful. The focus of this trope is a super that involve pheromones in some way or form. I could also try to find other examples of pheromones being used for other applicaiton rather than charming a person would that help?