Topic on User talk:Hepzibah

That's a good question, actually. In the past when we've asked for proof in cases like this, the contributor involved silently vanished in the night and we never heard from them again. In eight years we've never actually had to take the next step in the process. However, in my eyes the very fact that a) you've given a specific TVT account name and b) you're asking how to verify your identity are pretty good evidence you are who you're claiming to be.

When you say "refugee", does that mean you no longer have an active account there? If that's the case, Derivative's idea obviously won't work. If you do still have a TVT account, though, adding some manner of "codeword" to your user profile there might be the way to go.

Regardless, please be patient. We're doing what we can on our end to verify things, and once your identity is confirmed, I'll revert my changes to the pages you edited, and rescue/approve the changes that were still in the moderation queue. You will also have my apologies.