Topic on User talk:Max Sinister

You know, originally I had wanted to introduce myself proper, what kind of troper I am, what else I do, and what's the deal about my unpublished work. But then we got distracted...

One thing after another.

1. If you want to check out my nuked troper page, it's archived here.

Besides of that: I'm also active at various other sites, like the AltHistory wiki(s), RW, WikiIndex, and such. Not every day, of course.

2. My AltHist (or rather, its TV Tropes page, meanwhile nuked as well) is archived here. In the past, I already wrote a long AltHist - the Chaos Timeline - at least some people liked it too, and after thinking about it, I decided to do a timeline where "Team Evil" wins WW2, as a kind of challenge. (@Bob Schroeck: Aren't you also tackling a big challenge, with your multi-crossover "Drunkard's Walk"? Then you might understand what I mean.)

And since I'm not much into applause by old and new Nazis (because such a topic will attract those...), I decided to put a certain appellation into the title. Let's see how much they like that.

(Fighteer also claimed that I'm not allowed to state something along the line "Anti-nazis won't like this because the Nazis will win, and Nazis won't like it because..." What I said.

Think there's too much self-promotion?)

3. The "Edit War" at TV Tropes originally was based on a misunderstanding. I hadn't been on the site for years, didn't know they had randomly decided that Up to Eleven isn't a trope anymore, and since I wasn't logged in every day (or not even every week), I had simply forgotten that I had added it in the past. In other words: A honest mistake. Hope you believe me that much.

4. Since Fighteer decided to nuke one of my "Edit Banned" posts as well, fortunately I had that archived as well: Here. Share and enjoy.

(You really think I was a case of "Small Name, Big Ego"? Well, in that case I wish Fighteer to be called out by many more SNBEs.)

(My earlier posts in that thread are here, here, and here.)

5. Troping is just a hobby to me, even if it's sometimes Serious Business, and not even my only one.

Still, sometimes I think about why it is so fascinating - and what's the purpose of troping wikis. @Labster, you once wrote a good post on your blog that Fast Eddie didn't have a vision (true). Maybe a small group of dedicated tropers (preferably those who are writers themselves - of @Bob Schroeck I know, maybe others here are too?) could rather find an answer to this, than a big bloated wiki? Because having to accept mods like Fighteer for no other purpose than "adding even more examples, works and tropes to a heap that's already big enough, while missing the point to it" isn't worth it.

I have to agree with Fighteer (sometimes even he is right) that some of my examples weren't that great - but what's the point of it?