Touhou: Difference between revisions

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* TH 15 ''Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom'' <ref>''Ultramarine Orb Tale ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom''</ref>
* TH 15.5 ''Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antimony of Common Flowers'' <ref>''Flowers of Possession ~ Antimony of Common Flowers''</ref>
* TH 16 ''Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons'' <ref>''Eastern Jade Scepter of the Skies ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons''</ref>
*TH 17 ''Touhou Kikeijuu ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature''<ref>''Eastern Oni-Shaped Creature ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature''</ref>
<big>'''Sister Series'''</big>
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** In ''Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream'' Chiyuri is Yumemi's research assistant in "comparative physics".
** ''Mystic Square'' and ''The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil'' both have [[Ninja Maid|Ninja Maids]] in the form of Yumeko and Sakuya, the latter being by far one of the most popular characters of the franchise.
** ''Perfect Cherry Blossom'' introduces [[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome|samurai gardener]] Youmu. You wouldn't recognize her as such from the fanbase, though.
** Eirin and Reisen from ''Imperishable Night'' both fit the part, being Kaguya's pharmacist and pet respectively.
** Komachi from ''Phantasmagoria of Flower View'' also counts, since her official job is to be [[The Ferry Man]] of the Sanzu River.
** In ''Mountain of Faith'' Sanae is the priestess of both the final and extra boss.
** ''Subterranean Animism'' reverses this trend by having the [[Big Bad]] and the stage 5 boss be the pets of the stage 4 boss.
* [[Badass]]: ''[[World of Badass|Every]] [[Adaptational Badass|single]] [[Badass Adorable|girl]]'', but [[Beyond the Impossible|that]] [[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome|soccer]] [[Mundangerous|ball]] [[Memetic Mutation|is the most powerful thing in Gensokyo]]!<ref>The soccer ball is able to withstand every girl's spell card.</ref>
* [[Berserk Button]]: The fandom has one in the question "What anime is this?" as well as when someone on YouTube claims that ''Touhou'' [[A Worldwide Punomenon|stole from]] [ the McRoll.] For the uninitiated, the McRoll is based on Flandre's theme, ''not'' the other way around. Western fandom is also beginning to detest old memes ([[Hilarious in Hindsight|pads]], etc.).
** May the Lord have mercy on you if you tell Reimu she has awful night vision.
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* [[The Cameo]]: ''Wild and Horned Hermit'' is absolutely covered in these. The story hasn't used many characters yet, but Azuma Aya seems to want to draw as many as possible.
* [[Carnivore Confusion]]: Gensokyo has a food chain. [[To Serve Man|You're not at the top of it]], since most non-human characters ''will'' attempt to eat helpless humans away from the protection of a village. The youkai cast often threatens to eat the player character, but they're empty threats - none of the youkai eat humans anymore. Per usual, fanon jacks this up to insane levels.
* [[Cast Herd]]: Given the [[Loads and Loads of Characters|enormous number of characters]], it isn't surprising they tend to be split into distinct groups. Sometimes this is done per game, but other times, it's done based on location (Eientei/Moriya), based on intellect ("[[The Ditz|Team 9]]"), and so forth. Tends to be subverted over time as each group stars in [ works that] [ elaborate on] [ their members'] [ characterizations.]{{Dead link}}
* [[Celestial Bureaucracy]]
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]/[[Foreshadowing]]: A meta version for the reader/player. ''Perfect Memento in Strict Sense'' was released in 2006 before the game ''Mountain of Faith''. With that in mind, look through some of the articles and realize just how much of ''Perfect Memento'' became used in future games.
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* [[Flying Firepower]]: ''Everyone''.
* [[Full-Contact Magic]]: At least in the fighting games, as well as in [[Doujinshi|fanworks]], the intense nature of spell card duels is portrayed as having a fierce physical combat aspect, especially for the more physically abled girls.
* [[Functional Magic]]: Inherent Gift, Theurgy, Device Magic, Alchemical Magic, Rule Magic, and Force Magic are all present.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: Most of the games' names have both a Japanese portion and an English portion. The Western community refers to games by the acronyms of their English parts: ''Perfect Cherry Blossom'' - ''PCB'', ''Imperishable Night'' - ''IN'', etc. One wonders if ZUN took notice, as the 12th game's English name is ''[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Undefined Fantastic Object]]''.
* [[Functional Magic]]: Inherent Gift, Theurgy, Device Magic, Alchemical Magic, Rule Magic, and Force Magic are all present.
* [[Fundamentally Female Cast]]: The entire cast ''just happens'' to be female with the apparent exception of Unzan, although he's less of a person than an angry cloud, and Rinnosuke, who is an [[Expanded Universe]] character and [[Non-Action Guy]]. The PC-98 games had Genji, who doesn't count due to being a turtle, and [[Gender Bender|half]] of Shingyoku as well.
* [[Gaiden Game]]: Anything with a decimal point in its number.
* [[Game Breaking Bug]]: In Ten Desires, the game will up and crash if you are not using a bomb, a valuable resource, when the Survival Card of the Extra Boss ends. This is the ''second last'' attack in the entire game.
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*** Toyosatomimi no Miko and company were seeking this, as was Byakuren.
* [[Immortal Immaturity]]: Practically everyone. Notable exceptions are Kaguya and Yuyuko, when she's not busy harassing her guardian.
* [[Fundamentally Female Cast]]: The entire cast ''just happens'' to be female with the apparent exception of Unzan, although he's less of a person than an angry cloud, and Rinnosuke, who is an [[Expanded Universe]] character and [[Non-Action Guy]]. The PC-98 games had Genji, who doesn't count due to being a turtle, and [[Gender Bender|half]] of Shingyoku as well.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Due to how danmaku battles work,<ref>they're essentially a formalized dueling system designed to level the playing field and reduce lethality</ref> most characters' stated abilities have very little relevance to their gameplay performance.
* [[It Amused Me]]: Bored characters do a lot of crazy things in this series and are occasionally responsible for the entire plot with no further motive than to shake things up. Many extra stage fights are along these lines on the part of both protagonist and boss. This is the entire reason why Tenshi comes down in ''Scarlet Weather Rhapsody''.
* [[Justified Trope]]: ''So'' many. The Spell Card Rules, drafted by Reimu, justify [[Non-Lethal KO]], [[Let's You and Him Fight]], [[Super Move Portrait Attack]], the ability to have crazy semiregular incidents while maintaining [[White and Grey Morality]], and even the use of the [[Bullet Hell]] genre ''itself''... because the tropes are the law. And for very good reasons: it lets youkai do what they do best, lets Reimu easily resolve the incidents, and lets youkai fight back without fear of killing Reimu, which would be a very Bad Thing.
* [[Kicking Ass in All Her Finery]]: Almost everyone wears pretty frilly dresses.
* [[Kori Kombat]]: ''Touhou'' has the Tanuki-based Mamizou Futatsuiwa and the Kitsune-based Ran Yakumo, who utterly hate each other's guts. Playing on an old Japanese myth, Mamizou is even meant to be a stand-in for Danzaburou of legend and is responsible for kicking out all the foxes from Sado.
* [[Leitmotif]]: Each boss in the main series gets a unique song for her [[Boss Battle]], which naturally becomes her [[Leitmotif]] in fanworks.
* [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: The [[Justified Trope|justification]] for the danmaku combat system.
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* [[Mooks]]: Fairies, in addition to the lesser-used Fuzzballs and Doofy Ghosts. Fairies are [[Suicidal Overconfidence|suicidally overconfident]], weak, and effectively immortal (regenerative), though the last [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|doesn't manifest in the games]], probably because they "respawn" somewhere safe offscreen. These factors combine to make them pretty much perfect mooks.
* [[Multiple Endings]]
* [[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome]]: '''[ Touhou Soccer.]'''
* [[Mundane Utility]]:
** ''[[What Do You Mean ItsMundane NotMade Awesome|Touhou Soccer]]'', where the girls use their massively destructive spell cards to play [ ''Soccersoccer''].]
** Turns out that ghosts make excellent air conditioners.
** Similarly, there's an entire pool on Danbooru of Cirno being used for mundane ends, such as chilling drinks.
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* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Mr. Kirisame is the only parent of a canon character who is not dead, missing, or otherwise unaccounted for. And even then, he's only mentioned, and Marisa quickly ignores and attempts to change the subject.
* [[Pettanko]]:
** ''Nearly all'' of the cast gets this treatment due to ZUN's art style, which makes characters tend to look like early preteens no matter their age or described appearance. Very few characters in the entire series seem to have noticablenoticeable breasts. Fanart takes this as a license to give the characters whatever figure they feel like, though the more popular ones usually get a general appearance agreed upon by most fans.
***Suika gets [ a song] dedicated to this.
** The [[Fighting Game]] installments of the series have really muddied the waters here, as the art was done by an artist who is perfectly capable of and willing to draw girls with busts.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: In ''Imperishable Night'', the [[Let's You and Him Fight|boss fight with either Reimu or Marisa]] is the result of one or both sides either not understanding what's actually going on, or outright ''refusing'' to listen. When the Ghost Team tries to mention the Moon to Marisa, Marisa says "this has nothing to do with the Moon!" and if Magic Team brings it up to Reimu, she turns around and blames them for the Moon as well!
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** Might be the case for some unexpected creatures. In one chapter of one of the manga, it's suggested a couple of times that a mysterious egg may be from a ''cat youkai''.
** The same chapter also confirms crow tengu having eggs, and while they're related to birds, the two examples we've seen of that species look basically human.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Awesome]]: '''[ Touhou Soccer.]'''
* [[White and Grey Morality]]:
** Those who are [[Designated Hero|good]] are [[Somebody Else's Problem|apathetic to everything]] unless it affects either their interests or Gensokyo itself.
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* [[Artificial Stupidity]]: The fighting games. Highlights include not particularly understanding if the character is melee or range oriented, using moves that can't possibly hit, virtually never using cards,<ref>Arcade mode only. Story mode AI doesn't have cards to use.</ref> and difficulty selection in arcade mode doing nothing. This was bad enough for people to start work on [ an AI hack] but the project seems to have died since.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]] / [[Difficult but Awesome]]: Depending on who you ask, certain shot types are straight on unwieldy or rather useful but take some getting used to.
** Half the shot-types in ''Mountain of Faith'' and ''Subterranean Animism'', namely ''MoF''{{'}}s ReimuC and MarisaA, and ''SA''{{'}}s ReimuC and... all of Marisa's.
*** MarisaA in ''SA'' isn't too bad, and she still has enough power in her focused state to still deliver hurt to enemies up front.
** ''Undefined Fantastic Object'' is actually pretty good with avoiding this, with all-around great shot-types... and MarisaB.
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* [[Computers Are Fast]]: Not present in the normal Shoot Em Up games, but have fun beating [ Lunatic AI] in the two-player games.
* [[Cosmetic Award]]: Clearing a scene with a high enough score in ''Shoot the Bullet'' or ''Double Spoiler'' unlocks commentary from Aya or Hatate. Score has no other purpose.
* [[Dead Character Walking]]: Certain versions of ''[[Touhou]] 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom'' has Merlin Prismriver continue attacking even after the Prismriver sisters are supposed to be defeated, potentially killing your character. So much for sisterly solidarity. This bug has been [[Memetic Mutation|mercilessly ridiculed]] by [[Doujin]] artists.
* [[Desolation Shot]]: In ''Mystic Square'', the [[Amazing Technicolor Battlefield]] disappears when you dispel Shinki's penultimate spell and blast her wings off. The background of the battle's final phase is a slow pan down over Makai, which is now on fire as a result of the fight.
* [[Difficulty Spike]]: Most games seem to have one, usually around stage 4.
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** Sunny Milk, Luna Child and Star Sapphire in ''Fairy Wars''.
** Seiga and Yoshika in ''Ten Desires''.
** Miko, Tojiko and Futo for one of the former's spellcards in the same game -- although Miko does not do a single thing during it.
* [[Dynamic Difficulty]]: 4-6 have a system where the bullets become faster and denser over time. In the case of 4 and 5, it's somewhat tied to how well you're doing, but in 6 it just keeps going up until you die, which resets it.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]/[[Oddball in the Series]]: ''[ Highly Responsive to Prayers]'' isn't even a danmaku game. It's more of a weird ''[[Breakout]]'' clone, with some [[Shoot'Em Up]] elements in boss fights.
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* [[It Got Worse]]: Most final bosses' and extra bosses' final spell cards start out fairly simple, even elementary... then it gets faster, or stacks more components simultaneously over time/damage. By the end, the spell is an all-out nightmarish mess that fills the screen or moves very quickly, or both.
* [[Kaizo Trap]]: After beating bosses, it takes a second before the projectiles turn into tokens. So if you aren't careful, you can win, but still die.
* [[Lethal Lava Land]]: ''SubterranianSubterranean Animism'' stages 5 and 6, which take place in the former Hell of Blazing Fires, further warmed by an underground STAR.
* [[Made of Explodium]]: Frogs. There's a shot-type and four seperateseparate spellcards based on them blowing up.
* [[Marathon Boss]]: By shmup standards, anyway. Each game has a [[Bonus Boss]] which typically takes 8-10 minutes to defeat.
* [[Mercy Mode]]: After running out of continues a few times in ''Imperishable Night'', the game's options allow you to start with a few additional lives. "A few" ultimately resulting in a continue's worth of lives totaling 8, where most other games only let you have half as many. Perhaps another reason for [[Easy Mode Mockery]] specifically in ''IN''. Somewhat played with - continuing after a certain point gets you a bad end and the inability to continue.
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** Most games give you a character-specific bad ending for beating the game after using a continue. The ''Phantasmagoria'' games don't care, and ''Fairy Wars'' just doesn't give you an ending if you continue. ''Mountain of Faith'' also gives you one regardless of continues if [[Easy Mode Mockery|you played on easy]].
*** And in ''Lotus Land Story'' and ''the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil'', [[Easy Mode Mockery|after beating the fifth stage in easy mode, you proceed to the bad ending directly]].
***In ''Wily Beast and Weakest Creature'', Yachie prepares to end the heroine's life until they beg for another chance.
** The games that have route selections give you an ending based on which route you take.
** ''Imperishable Night'' combines the two above into something odd. You get a Bad Ending for ''running out'' of continues. You get a normal ending for facing Eirin as the final boss, who you'll be locked into fighting if it's your first time playing with that character or if you continued.
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* [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now]]: An in-game feature later games gives you a very tiny window after you are hit to bomb, thereby preventing a loss of a life. The eighth game actually makes an entire gameplay mechanic based around this, although that instance is more of a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment as the teammate of the one that was hit comes in and uses the bomb.
* [[Won't Work On Me]]:
** The final card of the final boss is immune to bombs, though they still clear the bullets away (though usually with some diminished effect, like a smaller radius or only getting half of them or somesuch). You'll have to grind down their health the normal way.
*** The only exception to the rule is Utsuho Reiuji, the final boss in ''Subterranean Animism'', which gains an armor instead, in other words, you can continue doing reduced damage to her with a bomb, but this comes with the cost that the bombs doesn't clean the bullets in the screen.
** All [[Bonus Boss|extra and phantasm stage bosses]] have this effect for all spellcards, except in ''Fairy Wars''. In the versus shooters they are completely invincible for certain period of time.
* [[One-Hit-Point Wonder]]: standard for [[Bullet Hell]] game protagonists. Curiously enough, when you meet playable characters as bosses they gain [[Super Toughness]] instead.
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** The bosses' attacks are all on timers, and it's possible to beat them just by outlasting them. They'll even blow up at the end regardless of whether you fired any shots at them. Since this requires inhuman dodging skills on some of the harder attacks, it has become a favorite [[Self-Imposed Challenge]] for ''Touhou'' gamers. Given the [[Nintendo Hard|difficulty]] of the games to begin with, this kind of challenge is usually considered another sign that ''Touhou'' players are insane.
** Most of the extra bosses actually have a secret difficulty on their last (or second-to-last, in Yukari's case) spell card, triggered by attempting to go pacifist. Normally, those spell cards start off easy, but get harder as the boss loses HP. [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|To prevent cheesing the game]] and trivializing what should be a climactic end by just waiting, the spell card will have an extremely hard pattern, even harder than the normal final pattern, starting at 30 seconds left if the boss has not lost enough HP.
***[ Gengetsu] from ''Lotus Land Story'' exemplifies this.
* [[Parabolic Power Curve]]: It's generally accepted that the stage 5 boss will be harder than the final boss, or at least as hard. The reason for this is that stage 5 bosses tend to have more experimental or random patterns, with fewer bullets but much trickier dodging. Final bosses are all about large quantities of bullets at all times, but because they're fired in easily predicted patterns, they're not nearly as challenging for experienced players, even if it's their first time fighting that particular boss.
* [[Recursive Ammo]]
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