• Optimus and Megatron are still complete Badass's no matter what reality they're in!
  • One moment definitely stands out for Optimus Prime. A group of Autobots working for Rodimus attempt to launch a coup against the boss himself. Prime is far from impressed, and simply wipes the floor with the upstarts by himself.
  • In "Do Over", Megatron manages to accidentally have one of the Autobots' Targetmasters take over control of his arm. Prime then turns the tables by stealing Megatron's own Empathic Weapon, activating its sword, and attacking. Megatron maneuvers his body so that Prime slices off the hand that's been possessed (and Megatron's reaction suggests that yes, robots can feel pain), cracks Prime's faceplate with his severed wrist, takes back control of his weapon, and faces Prime down into surrender while still literally one-handed. Badass Bookworm, indeed.
  • "Eye in the Sky" adds on more moments. At one point Heatwave is in his missle truck mode being chased at high speed by a bunch of murderous Scrounges. Suddenly Soundwave breaks through a nearby wall in van mode right in Heatwave's path, going too quickly for either to stop before they collide head on. So he transforms... with his transformation sequence sending him sailing over Heatwave in a perfect somersault to land right between him and the Scrounges in one smooth move. He then opens up his speaker system tuned to a local Earth "Non Stop Classic Rock Block" station, and proceeds to blast the Scrounges into careening out of control with The Power of Rock.
    • Later on, however, Heatwave gets a Awesome Moment of his own when he hacks into a heavily-secured human Kill Sat controller and uses it to spectacularly blow up an Autobot-hijacked human military base by, essentially, asking the controller nicely.