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Contrast with [[I Just Want to Be Beautiful]].
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Bleach]]'': Spoofed/Played With by the flamboyant fraccion Charlotte Cuuhlhourne. He's a [[Large Ham]] who accuses his opponent Yumichika (a more reserved [[Narcissist]]) of being mean and lacking "inner beauty" when he refuses to look at him for thinking he's ugly. Despite that, Charlotte's obsession actually lies with external beauty and at the end of the fight gracefully acknowledges the beauty his opponent had been hiding.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
== Comics ==
* Played with in ''[[Top Ten]]'': Irma (a plump, middle-aged [[Powered Armor]]-wearing mother of two) and Joe Pi (a robot) discuss human appearance. Joe comments after meeting Irma's family, that he believes that Irma has an inner beauty. She replies "Yeah, I've got kidneys to die for".
== [[Film (Animated)]] ==
== Film (Animated) ==
* This appears as [[An Aesop]] at the beginning of the Disney version of ''[[Beauty and the Beast]]''. A beautiful enchantress changes her form to look like an old woman and is not allowed to stay the night at the castle by the prince. She punishes him for judging her by her appearance (and not providing hospitality) by turning him into the Beast. This trope is supposed to be the overall message of the film, as Belle falls in love with him despite his monstrous appearance (once he cuts out the actual monstrous ''behavior'').
** But it ends up as a bit of a [[Broken Aesop]] at the end when the Beast's reward for learning his lesson (and Belle's reward for loving him despite his appearance) is that he is returned to his former, handsome self.
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* Quasimodo of ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]'' fits this trope as well.
* Ludmilla, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Bartok the Magnificent]]'', ''thinks'' this is true about herself. Then she takes a potion designed to make its user "10 times what they are inside", expecting to be extremely beautiful as a result. [[One-Winged Angel|She was WAY off!]]
== Film (Live Action) ==
* ''[[Shallow Hal]]'' has a character cursed with a very literal example of this trope: He is only capable of seeing a person's "true beauty" which, for most of the movie, seems to be personified by Gwyneth Paltrow. It's also an interesting hypocrisy, since Tony Robbins' real-life girlfriend is something of a "Perfect Ten;" however from his presentation of himself given in the film, his girlfriend should be a hideous girl with a heart of gold. Clearly, Dr. Tony doesn't follow his own orders. And to [[Unfortunate Implications]], it's also worth adding that the movie played on the 300-pound Rosemary as an [[Acceptable Target]].
* Oddly not mentioned in ''[[The Graduate]]'', although the beautiful Mrs. Robinson is a depressed alcoholic who cheats on her husband and tries to force her daughter into an unhappy marriage, and Ben (who rescues the daughter) is played by Dustin Hoffman. Then again, Dustin Hoffman was cast at the last minute.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Folklore ==
* Appears in all the "[[Beauty and The Beast]]" adaptations as it is the crucial linchpin of the story: Beauty must come to understand that just because beast is a hideous monster doesn't mean he's a bad person. Which is weird considering the fact that in many cases he's been made into a hideous monster specifically because he's a bad person.
== Literature ==
* ''Jennifer Murdley's Toad'' by [[Bruce Coville]] (part of the ''[[Magic Shop]]'' series) is about an ugly girl with a nice personality. At the climax of the story she encounters a witch who {{spoiler|offers to turn her "inside out," metaphorically speaking, so that her inner beauty will be on the outside, but upon thinking about this, Jennifer realizes that this would make her ugly on the inside, which she realizes would be worse}}. So she stays outwardly ugly (but a good person).
* This trope was [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstructed]] in one of the ''[[Spellsinger]]'' books. One of the characters is despondent that a beautiful woman he loves won't even give him the time of day. When the protagonist gives the, "She should see you for what you are on the inside", the despondent character points out that in [[Real Life]], looks '''do''' count. They are part of who you are. It might not be the most important, but they still are something. Not to mention that one of the reasons he wants her in the first place is for her looks, so it would be a [[Double Standard]] if he wanted her to ignore his ugliness.
* Horrifically subverted in a children's book, in which a young monster who accidentally made a "pretty face" (which was considered horrifyingly ugly by the family) and got stuck with it took her mother's advice "true beauty is on the inside" to the literal extreme and flipped her face inside out.
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
** Parodied in ''[[Discworld/Jingo|Jingo]]''—Nobby — Nobby Nobbs, who is so ugly that he has to carry around a paper from the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork stating he is human, complains that women won't date him. Angua points out to him that maybe he should lower his standards, as he shouldn't expect to be able to date the more sought-after women. Nobby eventually settles on a Verity "Hammerhead" Pushpram, an ill-tempered fish seller whose eyes don't face the same direction and who usually reacts to seeing Nobby by [[Slap Slap Kiss|telling him to bugger off and throwing fish at him]] (because hey, free seafood). When Nobby does land himself a gorgeous girlfriend in [[Unseen Academicals|a later book]], Angua is horrified for her, though fortunately by the end of the book Nobby is back with Verity (largely because she's [[Through His Stomach|a better cook]]), while Tawneee is cured of [[Attractiveness Isolation|"jerk syndrome"]].
** Also parodied in ''[[Discworld/Maskerade|Maskerade]]'', where the plump and plain Agnes Nitt is sick of condescending comments like this, and thinks to herself that boys don't normally fall for an attractive pair of kidneys.
*** For the most part, though, this is played straight, albeit silently. Most of the people who can be termed "heroes" in this world tend not to be the best lookers.
* [[Older Than Print]] with ''[[The Canterbury Tales]]'': in the Wife of Bath's tale, the [[Designated Hero]] knight of the story finds himself wedded to a smart woman with a great personality—who's also a terribly ugly crone. She catches on to his distress and delivers this Aesop to him (along with a few others regarding wealth and noble birth), and then offers him a choice: as an enchantress, she could make herself young and beautiful, but then he'd always have to risk her sleeping around with his friends—or she could remain old and ugly, but be the best wife he could possibly ask for. His choice. He {{spoiler|[[Take a Third Option|humbly says that the choice is up to her]], and she, delighted that he's learned how to respect her, announces that she will be both beautiful ''and'' faithful. And they all life [[Happily Ever After]]}}.
* [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] in [[Anne Bronte]]'s ''[[Agnes Grey]]''.
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* [[Shrinking Violet|Ruth Mallory]] of ''[[Someone Else's War|Someone Elses War]]'' is very ugly and treated poorly by the army for it. [[Knight in Sour Armor|Matteo]] likes her so much that he literally can't see her ugliness.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Ugly Betty]]'' is about this trope. At least, that's what the critics said when it debuted, as well as what America Ferrera said at an awards ceremony not long after the show debuted. But not very many actual episodes of the show mention this trope, and the eponymous character (Betty Suarez, played by America Ferrera) is usually treated as if nothing is wrong with her. Hooray for [[Character Development]]!
** Amanda and Mark continue to throw in snide comments about Betty's weight/glasses/braces/clothes throughout the series, even after she bonds with them as they have to maintain their mean and beautiful status. What really undermines the trope is America Ferrara's [[Hollywood Homely]]-ness. She was never obese in the first place (despite all the "plus-sized girl" comments Amanda & Co like to make) and lost weight over the course of the show, finally getting to the point where Betty's "ugliness" really is an [[Informed Flaw]].
* This is the premise behind the [[Reality Show]] ''True Beauty''.
== [[Music]] ==
== Music ==
* [[Michael Jackson]]'s ''Ghosts'' short film tried to impart this moral as well as disprove [[Loners Are Freaks]]. Jackson played two characters at odds with each other—a Mayor and the mysterious Maestro (really, Jackson himself) -- and stated in the making-of documentary that the Mayor's problem was his inability to see a person's inner beauty; just because a person looks and acts strange doesn't mean they're bad. The aesop fails because Maestro is a [[Jerk Sue]] and the Mayor himself is presented as an [[Acceptable Target]]: a fat, middle-aged white guy whose concern over [[Reality Subtext|young boys secretly meeting up with Maestro for ghost stories]] is seen as merely bigotry against anyone who's different.
* It's a well-treaded Aesop, but [ "More Beautiful You" by Johnny Diaz] does it in a rather heartwarming way.<ref>Yeah, it's a Christian song, but give it a shot anyway. It's nice.</ref> And as a bonus, the video even shows the two young ladies' "flaws" being photoshopped away to make the point that the standard of beauty promoted by popular media doesn't actually exist.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
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{{quote|'''Dogbert''': I realized that what's inside a person doesn't count because no one can see it. }}
== [[Oral Tradition|Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths amd Legends]] ==
* Appears in all the "[[Beauty and The Beast]]" adaptations as it is the crucial linchpin of the story: Beauty must come to understand that just because beast is a hideous monster doesn't mean he's a bad person. Which is weird considering the fact that in many cases he's been made into a hideous monster specifically because he's a bad person.
== Theater[[Theatre]] ==
* ''Love Never Dies'', the sequel to ''[[The Phantom of the Opera]]'', [[Anvilicious|hammers this aesop home]] with such songs as "Look With Your Heart" and "The Beauty Underneath".
* [[Cyrano De Bergerac]], the [[Warrior Poet]] with the big nose, is [[Grumpy Bear|too cynical]] to believe people actually believe this, despite what everyone else in the play tells him. Nevertheless, he invokes this trope at Act I Scene IV when Viscount De Valvert mocks his [[Impoverished Patrician|poor clothes]]:
{{quote|'''Cyrano''': True; all my elegances are within.}}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Webcomics ==
* The ending of ''[[Zombie & Mummy]]'' episode [ "...Go to Beauty Salon"].
== [[Real Life]] ==
== Real Life ==
* You ([[Distracted by the Sexy|and not just on the inside]]).
[[Category:More Than Meets the Eye]]
[[Category:The Beautiful Tropes]]
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