Ultima Underworld/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Awesome Music:
    • The second game's soundtrack consists of a rather excellent set of variations on a Phrygian progression.
    • The first game had surprisingly atmospheric music that was especially exceptional at the time of its release.
  • Bizarro Episode: The first Ultima Underworld is difficult to fit in the rest of the series. There are numerous aspects of the lore which have no precedence in earlier games and neither those or events of the game are mentioned later (though Ultima IX was originally supposed to feature the Slasher of Veils). This is in large part due to the game starting out as an unconnected dungeon crawler which was rather forcibly turned into part of the Ultima series.
  • Contested Sequel: There's quite a bit of debate regarding which of the two games is better. The general consensus, however, seems to be that Ultima Underworld 2 isn't as strong as its predecessor.
  • Game Breaker:
    • By reducing a potion or scroll to a pile of debris, the player is rewarded with a clump of magical dust capable of endlessly casting the spell associated with the former item and never consuming itself. Daylight spells, potent heals, flying, and even Time Stop are possible. While it took a little effort in The Stygian Abyss (namely, hurling fireballs at said potion or scroll until destroyed), in Labyrinth of Worlds, the player could simply toss the potion against the wall until it became infinite arcane debris.
    • One of the Plot Coupons from the first game, the Sword of Justice, is fairly easy to discover on the third floor of the Abyss (you are, in fact, required to find it to complete the game). Once you get it, it's equivalent in power to the second strongest weapon in the game and has the added benefit of never needing repair. This functionally breaks the admittedly varied weapon tree right until the end of the game, when you have to destroy the sword to continue.
    • In the first game, it's possible to get your bartering skill so high that merchants will gleefully buy that one gold coin off you for this stack of identical gold coins.
  • Good Bad Bugs: The above glitch of turning magic items into magical piles of debris with unlimited uses. Similarly, as the games use the damage state of an item as the state of decay for food, throwing fresh food at a wall for a couple of minutes will cause it to suddenly sprout mold or become full of worms.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The victory music gets quite irritating when clearing out a room of Goddamned Worms.
  • Unwinnable by Insanity: The Armageddon spell obliterates everything except the player, but it's pretty obvious that you should save before trying it.