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I rejected a recent edit to Walker, Texas Ranger due to not following the Spoiler Policy.

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

The examples you provided for Abusive Parents were entirely hidden by spoilers, meaning that readers have no clue what is potentially being spoiled until they highlight the text to check. In that form, they are virtually useless.

Here's the text of the edit you submitted.

  • Abusive Parents: Sadly some of the villains of the series have their own kids and are just as mean to them as they are to any of their victims.
    • One example is Salvatore Matacio, a drug kingpin who took his son, Nicolas, away from his ex-wife with his high priced lawyers and was forcing Nicolas to become a carbon copy of himself. And his methods of this include blowing up Nicolas' remote control car with C4, letting him fall of a ladder in the library, threatening to have Nicolas' tongue removed when he overheard his father ordering his ex-wife's murder, and even striking him. This bites him in the ass when Nicolas hands Walker a gun Salvaore needed allowing Salvatore to be arrested.
    • Salvatore's second wife isn't much better and doesn't even want Nicolas around.

You can try to submit the edit again after you've reformatted them to hide spoilery info more judiciously. Refer to All_The_Tropes:Handling_Spoilers for guidance.

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

I approved your new edit, but you didn't have to go so far as to remove the spoiler markup completely. I made an edit to your recent edit which hides only key information, without leaving readers completely clueless.

The trick is to use spoiler markup in moderation. Don't cover the whole example, but don't avoid it entirely either.

ElementalHeroes (talkcontribs)


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