
Dunkey: All these guys wanna mess around.
(Farris Jawad shoots a goon in the head)
Dunkey: Boom.
Farris: Nailed it.
Dunkey: "Nailed it." What an appropriate thing to say after shooting a man in the head.

"Hey fuckers! It's me, UberDanger! I'm a douchebag pedophile asshole! Uh, sorry for being such a fuckin' piece of shit. Oh wait, no I'm not, fuck you!"

Dunkey as UberDanger, Youtubers
"Blat! That's right. You guys are just a fuckin ' tutorial!"
Dunkey on the tutorial mooks he just beat up, Dunkza 3
"I keep having a recurring nightmare where videogamedunkey beats me up on a New York City street while rapping about Knack 2. I know this sounds like a "LOL RANDOM XD" thing but I assure you I'm being genuine right now. I switched my diet and sleep schedule but the dream persists."
Chris Ray Gun, December 2017 tweet