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* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' has the skyships ''Weatherlight'' (the heroes) and ''Predator'' (the villains). When the two battle in Rath, the ''Weatherlight'' is outgunned and the heroes only escape through dumb luck. By the time of the Rathi Overlay in the ''Planeshift'' storyline, however, the ''Weatherlight'' had a more experienced crew and upgraded weaponry, and when the two skyships battled again, the ''Predator'' was thoroughly trounced.
* Can be invoked by good [[Min-Maxing|optimization tactics]] in any tabletop RPG that gives the players control over character creation. ''Will'' be invoked by [[Monty Haul]] gameplay. As such, this trope has the potential to be in most any tabletop RPG.
** ItsIt's also likely to happen literally. As the players level up monsters that were challenging will become jokes, and monsters that were once too powerful can be crushed beneath the player's heels. And theirs the possibility of evil [[Non-Player Character|NPCs]] either not levelling up as fast as the [[Player Character|PCs]] or not levelling up enough to keep up with the players' new powers. Some [[Game Master|GMs]] invoke this trope for dramatic effect.
== Video Games ==
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* In ''[[Baten Kaitos]] Origins'', you fight [[Recurring Boss|Giacomo]] three times. In the third match, he's no stronger than the second match (only gaining buffing abilities), while you've probably gotten at least two or three levels and new magnus. Extremely satisfying, especially since the first fight is an infuriating [[Early Bird Boss]].
* Barubary in [[Breath of Fire]] inverts this, but then again, the [[Final Boss Preview]] (or rather [[The Dragon]] preview) IS him just picking on a little kid in the prologue. Grown up and come back with a real sword, you stand a much better chance, though it's still possible to die.
* Happens as a result of a "feature" that is almsotalmost certainly a bug in ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]''. Unique [[Non-Player Character|NPCs]] don't "level up" with the player, being stuck at the level they were first spawned (unlike ''Oblivion'' or ''Fallout 3'', where key [[NPCs]] would automatically level up to match the player). Two key [[NPCs]], Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius, are spawned at the very beginning of the game. As a result, when you finally face one or the other of them at the end of Civil War questline, they're stuck at their minimum level and are easily dispatched by a mid-to-high level player.
=== Simulation Game ===