/wiki/Warren Elliscreator

It went like this. Sam Register phoned me up and said, "We'd really like you to write a G.I. Joe animation, at a PG-13 rating, aimed at an older viewer."
I said, "I've never seen a GI JOE cartoon in my life. The closest I got to a GI JOE comic was drinking with Larry Hama. I've never even seen a GI JOE. Couldn't tell you what they look like if you paid me. I know nothing about GI JOE. It is meaningless in my world."
"Excellent," Sam said. "Just the guy we need."

It was hard not to notice, at this point, that Sam Register is crazier than a shithouse rat. Therefore I decided to take the job.
Warren Ellis explains his motivations behind G.I. Joe: Resolute.
"G.I. Joe: Resolute is like Warren Ellis made tender, passionate love to our childhoods, and he had an enormous dick."
Rob Bricken of Topless Robot
"What? I bring joy to the world. I am filled with mirth and sunlight. Also, I am Batman."
"I admit that I have sometimes claimed to be Batman in the past. But only when really, really drunk."
William Christensen is a betting man, and a while back he made me three bets. He bet me I couldn't get a new spin out of the zombie story. He bet me I couldn't write a fantasy story. And he bet me I couldn't get a new angle on the superhero story.[...] And now I own several of William Christensen's internal organs.
A lot of people — including some respected professionals — told me that lowering the price of a comic was suicide. We're probably going to top out at around 25,000. So, basically, up your arses.
Warren Ellis about the sucess of Fell
Does the Emperor wear no clothes? Or are you simply imagining him naked?
It is so fucking cold. Outside, the sky's cut in half. There's this huge black cloudbank covering half the sky, just radiating cold and rain and doom, waiting for me to step outside. And it's not moving. It's waiting. The other half? Blue sky. Every erg of heat in England just flying up through it into space. There's some Russian bastard on the ISS right now looking down and saying, see, my country is saved, the Russian winter is moving east to FREEZE WARREN'S NUTS OFF.
You can't write a graphic novel thinking about a future movie because that way leads to madness or Mark Millar.