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*** '''But The Hole Still Has No Bottom:''' When you consider that the first part of Russia he conquered was the Ukraine, which has never liked being part of Russia in the first place and was openly welcoming the Nazis in and eagerly offering to join in and help Hitler conquer the rest of Russia. With 20+ million Ukrainians, already used to Russian conditions, plus the rich logistical potential of the Ukraine breadbasket, accepting their aid would have given Hitler a fair shot at being the first man to successfully conquer Russia considering how close he came in reality. So what does Hitler do? ''Start murdering and oppressing the Ukrainians wholesale''. He actually brutalized them to the point where the Ukrainians cheerfully accepted '''Stalin''' as an alternative. Now that must have taken some doing.
*** '''But The Hole Still Has No Bottom:''' When you consider that the first part of Russia he conquered was the Ukraine, which has never liked being part of Russia in the first place and was openly welcoming the Nazis in and eagerly offering to join in and help Hitler conquer the rest of Russia. With 20+ million Ukrainians, already used to Russian conditions, plus the rich logistical potential of the Ukraine breadbasket, accepting their aid would have given Hitler a fair shot at being the first man to successfully conquer Russia considering how close he came in reality. So what does Hitler do? ''Start murdering and oppressing the Ukrainians wholesale''. He actually brutalized them to the point where the Ukrainians cheerfully accepted '''Stalin''' as an alternative. Now that must have taken some doing.
*** '''Was there no end to this man's stupidity?:''' The German army also knew they needed a new weapon for such a campaign, one with the accuracy, range, and armor-piercing capabilities of a rifle combined with the high rate of fire, fast reload time, and maneuverability of a submachine gun. They came up with the MbK-42, the world's first assault rifle, and early testing proved, to say the least, astounding. Clearly this new weapon could have decimated Russian troops with ease. But in a political fight in Berlin, Hitler threw a hissy fit and scraped the plans for this weapon, just to show its funders that ''he'' was in charge.By the time he listened to reason and allowed the project to continue, it was 1943, and the German army was getting their ass handed to them by the Russians.
*** '''Was there no end to this man's stupidity?:''' The German army also knew they needed a new weapon for such a campaign, one with the accuracy, range, and armor-piercing capabilities of a rifle combined with the high rate of fire, fast reload time, and maneuverability of a submachine gun. They came up with the MbK-42, the world's first assault rifle, and early testing proved, to say the least, astounding. Clearly this new weapon could have decimated Russian troops with ease. But in a political fight in Berlin, Hitler threw a hissy fit and scraped the plans for this weapon, just to show its funders that ''he'' was in charge.By the time he listened to reason and allowed the project to continue, it was 1943, and the German army was getting their ass handed to them by the Russians.

** Yet another German technological breakthrough were the V1 and V2 ballistic rockets, a weapon still being used by modern armies.These weapons could rain unholy hellfire on enemy troops, with frightening accuracy from hundreds of miles away, decimating whole armies.
*** '''You Would Think:''' Hitler would use these long-range rockets in the way they were designed, against enemy troop formations, supply lines, and other military targets.
*** '''Instead:''' Hitler figured “long range” meant “unlimited range”, and used them on civilian targets WAY too far away for their then-primitive targeting systems to work right. Rather than use them against enemy forces situated around Germany’s borders, he launched them at London itself, where they were shot down with ease.

** One of the earliest German victories in the war came when Field Marshal Rundstedt brilliantly tore through the Ardennes Forest and circled around the Maginot Line. France fell without much of a fight, setting themselves up for decades of [[Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey]] jokes. Eventually, General Erwin Rommel suggested protecting Normandy claiming the allies would strike there instead of Calais.
*** '''You Would Think:''' Hitler would trust the opinion of someone who actually had enough military experience to hold the rank of General, and agree with Rommel.
*** '''Instead:''' Hitler was notorious for not listening to his generals, and insisted the attack would come through Calais, ordering Rommel to stay put.
*** '''To Make Things Worse:''' When the Allies did attack though Normandy, Rommel wanted to move his troops there to intercept them. Hitler moronically still thought the “real” attack would come through Calais, even as thousands of Allied troops were storming the beaches at Normandy. By the time he finally listened, it was too late, and France was lost.

* On February 26, 1993, Mohammed Salameh used a Ryder truck to try to blow up the World Trade Center.
* On February 26, 1993, Mohammed Salameh used a Ryder truck to try to blow up the World Trade Center.
** '''You'd Expect''': That he'd be more concerned about hiding from arrest than about getting a few bucks back.
** '''You'd Expect''': That he'd be more concerned about hiding from arrest than about getting a few bucks back.