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* [[Word of God]] has this as something that came into play during the formation of the Book One ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' finale: Giving Zuko injuries from both his ship exploding, and some sort of cold-based sickness from his near drowning experience in icy water (not to mention powering up Katara with what is noted to be an ''especially'' water-bending-favoring full moon), made it much more likely for Zuko to initially struggle to victory against her (winning once the sun comes out), then losing his rematch under the light of the full moon. Furthermore, when the sun does rise, Zuko one-hit-KO's Katara. During the third round, it was night again, they were in a freakin' snow storm (plenty of water to bend) and Zuko was half-frozen to death. The next time Zuko and Katara had a real fight he more than holds his own against her.
** Similarly, Zuko is similarly handicapped by being unable to use any of his Firebending in his fight-to-a-draw against Jet in season Two. Doing so would have exposed his identity, especially after an earlier incident in the season where he'd shown his firebending in a fight to defend a town and was then [[What the Hell, Townspeople?|immediately thrown out of said town]], causing him to hold back with Jet.
** {{spoiler|This even applies in the [[Grand Finale]]. Although Zuko had gained insights into Firebending long lost to his people and was more emotionally centered than he had been in his life, it is likely that Azula's [[Villainous Breakdown|near-total psychological collapse]] was the only reason he was winning their [[Final Battle]]... [[Batman Gambit|and even at the end his attempt to out-think her]] nearly got him killed. To be fair, Zuko was originally supposed to fight Azula helped by Katara, and changed his mind at the last moment after noticing that Azula wasn't at 100%.}}
* In ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'', Dermot "[[Blatant Lies|claims]]" the only reason Dean beat him up in a [[Wimp Fight]] was because he was sick at the time. Did I mention throughout that entire episode Dermot "claimed" that his hands were registered as lethal weapons.
* ''[[Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness|Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness]]'' sees Temutai try to invoke this the second time he faces off with Po, claiming that the last time they fought, he had a head cold. [[You Can Always Tell a Liar|It's very obviously an excuse he made up on the spot]].
* Happens in the second [[Season Finale]] ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' when [[Big Bad|Queen Chrysalis]] manages to defeat [[Physical God|Princess Celestia in a straight up fight]]. Chrysalis had gotten a ''major'' power up [[Emotion Eater|feeding off of]] [[The Power of Love|Shining Armor's love for Princess Cadence]]. (As a note, that exact same power of love proved sufficient to curbstomp ''the entire Changeling army'' about ten minutes later, once Chrysalis lost her tap into it.) Not only does she visibly struggle against Celestia's power, even Chrysalis is outright ''shocked'' she won.
** It's also noteworthy that Chrysalis' plan was ''not'' to fight Celestia head-to-head ''at all''—the — the only reason she was doing so is because she'd gotten exposed as an impostor halfway through the wedding and was backed into a corner by an angry Princess who had been officiating at the ceremony.
** Season 4's finale provides even more context on this and another explanation. Judging by the size of the craters left behind in the struggle between Alicorn Twilight and Tirek,<ref>As in, 'you could have fit the entire town of Ponyville into one of those holes and had room enough left over for Canterlot Castle.'</ref> if Celestia had unleashed her full offense during this episode she'd have killed everypony else in the room. She not only had to face an opponent temporarily juiced-up on almost-alicorn levels of power, she had to do it with one hoof behind her back ''and'' struggling to keep the collateral splash of the battle from harming the completely unprotected civilians standing less than twenty feet away. In light of all that, its amazing Celestia managed even the showing she did.