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* [[Only Mostly Dead]]: Death just flings your spirit to the nearest spirit healer. One could technically apply the same logic to the continually respawning NPCs; maybe they just run back from the graveyard. This gets a special [[Lampshade Hanging]] by a villainous NPC who writes about being constantly killed and resurrected in his diary. Also played with by Azuregos (a blue dragon who used to drop several important quest items). He's not quite sane after being killed so many times by players, and after deciding to stay dead to avoid being killed again, has ''fallen in love with a spirit healer''.
* [[Only Mostly Dead]]: Death just flings your spirit to the nearest spirit healer. One could technically apply the same logic to the continually respawning NPCs; maybe they just run back from the graveyard. This gets a special [[Lampshade Hanging]] by a villainous NPC who writes about being constantly killed and resurrected in his diary. Also played with by Azuregos (a blue dragon who used to drop several important quest items). He's not quite sane after being killed so many times by players, and after deciding to stay dead to avoid being killed again, has ''fallen in love with a spirit healer''.
* [[Only One Female Mold]]: This has been a consistent complaint. The alpha builds, while rough, often had the females look like counterparts to the males of their race, but when it came time for final builds (after receiving many complaints about ugliness) it was like the developers threw up their hands and said "Screw it, let's make them barbie dolls with bad teeth".
* [[Only One Female Mold]]: This has been a consistent complaint. The alpha builds, while rough, often had the females look like counterparts to the males of their race, but when it came time for final builds (after receiving many complaints about ugliness) it was like the developers threw up their hands and said "Screw it, let's make them barbie dolls with bad teeth".
* [[Only I Can Kill Him]]: The game is loaded with meta-examples, mostly because the players are accessories to the feats of longstanding characters of the series. For example, during the [[Boss Battle]] with the Lich King, the players can reduce him to 1 hp, but never truly deplete them; doing this causes a cutscene of sorts where [[Big Good| Tirion Fordring]] delivers the final blow. Still, the players can take solstice in the fact that ''they'' made it possible for him to ''do'' that.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: At various times, Thrall, Jaina, Tirion Fordring, Cairne, Varok Saurfang, or Anduin Wrynn.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: At various times, Thrall, Jaina, Tirion Fordring, Cairne, Varok Saurfang, or Anduin Wrynn.
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: Illidan in ''The Burning Crusade'', who does practically nothing but wait for players to come kill him. This may again be explained by the fact that he's under siege by the forces of Kil'jaeden. Arthas also gives this impression during some Northrend events, however it is eventually revealed that {{spoiler|instead of going out and attempting to kill you while you level, Arthas has merely been waiting for you to arrive so he can one-shot your entire raid and turn the most powerful heroes in all of Northrend into his Scourge minions in one masterful fait accompli. Too bad for him it doesn't work out.}}
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: Illidan in ''The Burning Crusade'', who does practically nothing but wait for players to come kill him. This may again be explained by the fact that he's under siege by the forces of Kil'jaeden. Arthas also gives this impression during some Northrend events, however it is eventually revealed that {{spoiler|instead of going out and attempting to kill you while you level, Arthas has merely been waiting for you to arrive so he can one-shot your entire raid and turn the most powerful heroes in all of Northrend into his Scourge minions in one masterful fait accompli. Too bad for him it doesn't work out.}}