World of Warcraft/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Sky Admiral Rogers is viewed either as a badass Alliance leader who actually values the safety of her own soldiers over the enemy's, or a war criminal for [[Sink The Lifeboats|killing surrendering Horde soldiers swimming to shore]] ([[Punch Clock Villain|especially since they may have been drafted by Garrosh]]).
** Sunwalker Dezco is seen either as a cool and tragic character, or a poorly written character that ruined the dynamic of Sunwalkers and acts like a human paladin despite having no ties with humanity.
** Rhonin's tendency for [[New Powers Asas Thethe Plot Demands]] and to receive [[Character Shilling]] in his story have led to him being considered either a [[The Scrappy|Scrappy]] or [[Crazy Awesome]].
** Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream are the two most prominent cases. The former is an angry post-Literal Split Personality who was a slave to Orcs for quite some time, had his home destroyed by the orcs and his father betrayed to death by one even earlier and shilled to a ridiculous degree for awhile by Blizzard. The latter is is a racist warmonger with lacking leadership skills taking over from the level-headed, peace-seeking Thrall despite being a self-hating Emo Teen barely a few years ago. The developers even admitted they put them in charge just to provide in-universe justification for continuing the Alliance-Horde conflict.
** Jaina Proudmoore. After Mists of Pandaria, some thought her Character Development made sense as she saw all the work she did to bring peace destroyed in moments, and because of the side she trusted as well. Others believe that it's [[Character Derailment]] was delivered in breakneck speed and shoved down the players' throats, in addition of really going against her characterization in WC3 (the woman who allowed her father to die in order to ensure peace, now she's considered to be an insult to that).
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** The Seige of Orgrimmar raid is this for the Alliance. Well, many Horde players likely had no love for Garrosh either, but this raid actually lets you storm and invade the Horde capital itself and lay waste to the citizenry. Any beginning Alliance player who has been shot down after flying too near the place sees it as revenge.
** When you finally kill the Whale Shark in Vashj'ir. It doesn't drop anything or give XP, but this monster likely kills you several times while you try to explore the undersea zone, and finally killing the thing is satisfying. In fact, the Achievement you get has a fitting name, [[Shout Out| "From Hell's Heart I]] [[Moby Dick| Stab at Thee".]]
** Players who felt bad after seeing [| this cutscene] and/or [| this one] will experience a ''lot'' of Catharsis once they complete the Raid that ends with [| this one].
* [[Cliché Storm]]: the [[Large Ham]] bosses' favorite way of [[Calling Your Attacks]]. Originally done so you'd know how to prepare for an incoming attack but nowadays it's just tradition.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Quite a few villains qualify, although overall most of them tend to be Anti-Villains.