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* [[Base Breaker]]: Arthas (as a Paladin), Varian, Garrosh, Sylvanas, and Gallywix.
** Thrall as of Cataclysm. A common fan sentiment is that they "like Thrall, but ''hate'' [[The Messiah|"Go'el"]]".
** Sky Admiral Rogers is viewed either as a badass Alliance leader who actually values the safety of her own soldiers over the enemy's, or a war criminal for [[Sink Thethe LifeboatsLife Boats| killing surrendering Horde soldiers swimming to shore]] ([[Punch Clock Villain|especially since they may have been drafted by Garrosh]]).
** Sunwalker Dezco is seen either as a cool and tragic character, or a poorly written character that ruined the dynamic of Sunwalkers and acts like a human paladin despite having no ties with humanity.
** Rhonin's tendency for [[New Powers as the Plot Demands]] and to receive [[Character Shilling]] in his story have led to him being considered either a [[The Scrappy|Scrappy]] or [[Crazy Awesome]].
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** Cro Threadstrong, an Orc NPC in Shattrath who yells about waging war with a nearby apple vendor.
** Sabellian, Deathwing's younger son who is a questgiver in Outland. As of late, there have been several calls for Sabellian, who is much less evil and more sane than his father, to take control of the Black Dragonflight after Deathwing's inevitable demise at the hands of players.
* [[Evil isIs Cool]]: The Lich King. Honestly, given his backstory, appearance, and powers, this guy rates higher on the Coolness Factor than ''any'' of the good guys.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]:
** It's unlikely Onyxia would have been gotten away with a thousandth of what she got away with if not for people's assumption that she was the returned King's mistress and previously Bolvar's. In all likelihood, she really was the returned Varian's mistress for the short time she had him [[Charm Person|spellbound]].
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*** Though, since Thrall has become more and more of a blatant [[Creator's Pet]] throughout Cataclysm, more and more players are changing their minds about this, and now there is a new outcry starting {{spoiler|now that the creators have stated their intent to reinstate Thrall as Warchief at the end of [[Mo P]].}}
** Some fans see Lor'tbemar as this to Kael'thas as leader of the Blood Elves. It didn't help when Kael got [[Killed Off for Real]].
** Anduin seems to have the undeserved reputation as a wimp, be mostly because [[Tough Act to Follow| his dad was so goddam awesome.]] His reluctance to lead and more pragmatic approach to doing so (as in, he resolves most conflicts without fighting). While some characters claim he is [[Wise Beyond Her Years]], players often regard him as a weak leader who has done ''nothing'' for the Alliance. Of course, [[Fan Dumb| most fans forget]] about how close the Alliance came to a bloody civil war that Varian would likely have caused (during ''Cataclysm'', no less) [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?| had his son not stopped him]] from killing Magni...
* [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]]: Arguably happens to Garrosh in Cataclysm. Then he is a villain in the next expansion.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: Former forum user Palehoof gives a good rundown [http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=20677635725 of all of the various changes Blizzard has made to the game that supposedly ruined World of Warcraft forever] (up to and including paid-for vanity pets). He was a [[Ascended Fanboy|Forum MVP]] for good reason.
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