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A syndicated evangelical pundit show, hosted by Todd Friel. It first began airing on Family Net in 2008, and has since been syndicated to several other television networks. Friel commonly reports on various news stories, relating to evangelical Christianity. Common subjects include critiquing "seeker-sensitive" churches, responding to other talking heads such as Bill Maher, Joy Behar and the View, and Piers Morgan, as well as discussing concepts in evangelical theology. Occasionally, "witnessing clips" of Friel or others (such as Ray Comfort) sharing the gospel on the streets. Friel's attitude and demeanor could best be described as a combination of the aforementioned Maher and Glenn Beck, but focused primarily on defending and explaining evangelicalism. Has a similar radio show, which is syndicated on Sirius.

Wretched contains examples of:

  • Big Bad: Joy Behar, Bill Maher, T.D. Jakes, Richard Dawkins. Several megachurch pastors such as Steven Furtick, Perry Noble, Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, and Ed Young.
  • Camera Abuse: The cameras tend to move around a lot, from all kinds of odd angles and positions.
  • Catch Phrase: Several.
    • During The Teaser with, "It's time for 'Wretched.'"
    • After the titles, he starts off with, "Hello, and welcome to 'Wretched.' My name is Todd Friel. I am your host, 'the wretch the song refers to.'"
    • At the end of the episode: "And until tomorrow, go serve your King." Also the catch phrase he uses on his radio show.
    • When a seeker-sensitive church tries be "relevant" or he sees a punny church sign, he'll imitate a Jerry Lewis-style laugh.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Responding to Joy Behar's comments about Kirk Cameron's interview about homosexuality by Piers Morgan: "Hmm, now we're being told to 'shut up about it.' So much for tolerant and loving!"
    • They showed a clip of a megachurch pastor telling more mature Christians to leave their church, because he was tired of hearing them complain about wanting more teaching. The title of the clip on the Wretched YouTube page? "Feel the pastoral love!"
  • Enforced Plug: And how! "...available now at Wretched.tv."
  • Insistent Terminology: That "backsliding" Christians never slid forward in the first place, based on a verse in the Bible: "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us." (1 John 2:19 ESV)
  • Played for Laughs: At least, one hopes that his borderline ADHD is an act.
  • Running Gag: Friel continually mispronounces Elizabeth Hasselbeck's name as Hasselhoff.
    • Also continually calls Islam "The Religion of Peace" ironically, especially when reporting on a story about Muslims persecuting Christians.
  • Sarcasm Mode: Too many instances to count. One from this review of youth group activities: "This is 'Ultimate Frisbee,' with an actual octopus. BOING! Are we learning about imputation yet?!?!"
  • Self-Deprecation: Does this rather regularly. Frequently refers to the "tens and tens of viewers [or listeners, on the radio show]."
  • Smug Snake: Just read on the comments on their YouTube page at how atheists talk about him.
  • Take That: From the above review of youth group icebreakers:
    • "People should get arrested for these types of activities, shouldn't they?"
    • "Nope, this is not a porn movie. This is a youth group icebreaker activity."
  • Word of God: The Bible, naturally.