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* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: Sasuke, when he channels fire and lightning elemental chakra into his sword '''simultaneously.''' For example, {{spoiler|fighting off Naruto's flaming boulder barrage in the Chunin Exams}} and {{spoiler|forcing Kimimaro to discard his bone sword}} spring to mind.
** Not to mention its simultaneous paralysis and burning capabilities, the latter of which is compared to poison.
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** Waltz's sword, God's Tear: "It enables me to cut through that which cannot be cut and nothing more." {{spoiler|This includes the connection between the sacrifice and the summoned for [[Beyond the Impossible|Edo Tensei]].}}
** Borderline when dealing with Naruto and his first set of Fox Talons... but the {{spoiler|Fox Talons 2.0}} are definitely capable of this, bringing a boss-summon-scaled chakra blade to bear that can even {{spoiler|split one of the '''Sanbi's''' water blasts in half}}.
* [[Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male]]: Ghost seems to find getting the crap kicked out of him just as funny as whatever stunt he pulled to set it off in the first place. A reluctant [[Butt Monkey|Naruto]] also gets this when forced to peep for said pervert.
** Anko is also definitely privy to this when she tosses an underwear-covered Naruto into the female section of the baths for training. Three guesses what kind of underwear the poor kid was covered in.
** Sarutobi [[Kick the Dog|milks this to the brim by sending Naruto on a near-literal]] [[Suicide Mission]] into the heart of the Secret Jonin Kunoichi Hot Springs in order to {{spoiler|take a whole batch of dirty pictures to placate Onoki and entertain Roshi. Naruto avoids their bloody vengeance just long enough to hand off the camera.}}
** Naruto suffers refusals to rejuvenate him twice on the Moon Country mission, the first from Hinata after his impromptu "spar" with Sasuke, and the second by {{spoiler|Kushina}} when he overdoes it on the alcohol and comes within a hairsbreadth of stripping...with the Sexy Jutsu activated.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Hinata and Gaara deal with this in different ways. Hinata grows a backbone, snaps back, and shows the entire clan just what she's capable of. Gaara simply allows Orochimaru to kill his father. AGAIN.
* [[Adaptational Badass]]: Hinata, even moreso than her canon counterpart. She's one of the hardest-hitting members of the Rookie 12, up there with Naruto and Rock Lee, and possibly the most skilled next to Naruto. She even had {{spoiler|Kabuto}} cornered when he went after Naruto instead of Sasuke due to a small case of [[Butterfly of Doom|the Butterfly Effect]].
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** At Chapter 66 Third Fang has cleared over [[Beyond the Impossible|1,000,000 words]].
*** Look at it this way. Third Fang has put up roughly 1,200,000 words in a period of 900, that is 1300 words per day, everyday. this time figure does not remove the time taken up buy revisions or time spent other things like sleeping and eating.
* [[AbuseDouble IsStandard Okay When ItsAbuse (Female Onon Male)]]: Ghost seems to find getting the crap kicked out of him just as funny as whatever stunt he pulled to set it off in the first place. A reluctant [[Butt Monkey|Naruto]] also gets this when forced to peep for said pervert.
** Anko is also definitely privy to this when she tosses an underwear-covered Naruto into the female section of the baths for training. Three guesses what kind of underwear the poor kid was covered in.
** Sarutobi [[Kick the Dog|milks this to the brim by sending Naruto on a near-literal]] [[Suicide Mission]] into the heart of the Secret Jonin Kunoichi Hot Springs in order to {{spoiler|take a whole batch of dirty pictures to placate Onoki and entertain Roshi. Naruto avoids their bloody vengeance just long enough to hand off the camera.}}
** Naruto suffers refusals to rejuvenate him twice on the Moon Country mission, the first from Hinata after his impromptu "spar" with Sasuke, and the second by {{spoiler|Kushina}} when he overdoes it on the alcohol and comes within a hairsbreadth of stripping...with the Sexy Jutsu activated.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: Sai and Neji gets mistaken for this at Koyuki's new movie premiere much to the latter's dismay.
** Deidara, called out by a {{spoiler|[[Disgaea|PRINNY]] of all things. Hilarity ensued.}}
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{{quote|"Now then… since I have sufficiently shown you how much your eyes matter to me… "}}
** {{spoiler|Han}} does this to {{spoiler|Neji}}.
* [[Fan Girl]]: Putting aside Sasuke's canonical fans and the memories that haunt Scabbard, Tenten manages to be quite hilarious/terrifying in her pursuit of rare swords. She also manages to throw out quite a lot of [[Accidental Innuendo]] while in the throes of sword-lust.
** Sakura was caught at least once by Sasuke rummaging through his garbage pre-chainlink. He's still holding that over her head.
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* [[It Got Worse]]: The main premise {{spoiler|of the swordsmanship tournament in the Land of Iron}} and the conflicts afterward.
* [[It's Personal]]: Sasuke has swiftly adopted this stance against {{spoiler|Madara after his fateful talk with Sarutobi}}. Conversely, it's implied that it's averted for the most part as far as Itachi's concerned.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: With the Oogakari here, this has been utterly and triumphantly subverted. The clan itself is certainly no exception. Even Shadow gets her fair share of pummeling.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: So far the most notable person killed off is {{spoiler|Orochimaru.}}
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* [["No Respect" Guy]]: Zig-Zagged. Naruto doesn't get much respect. Of course, that's partially because he's deliberately chosen to walk the path of the [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] and partially because he's become [[The Chew Toy]].
** After the Land of Snow arc, Naruto's {{spoiler|had high-ranking shinobi recognize him by his desired nickname and has been placed in a very significant spot of the Bingo Books.}}
* [[Won't Work On Me]]: Any attempt by an in-universe character at intimidation or flat-out physical harm towards an Oogakari will have only one outcome: complete and utter failure. That is, unless one of them thinks it would be funny.
** Ghost's fights are absolutely made of these, as it's virtually impossible to get remotely close to touching him.
** Scabbard is capable of countering anything through [[Awesomeness By Analysis]], {{spoiler|and if he's in direct contact with the ground, say bye-bye to whatever range advantage you had.}}
** Shadow can pull out every element in the book, knows her way around practically every approach to fighting, and possesses a Dragon Demon Goddess... Thing whose name could have put baby Biju fearfully to sleep at night. {{spoiler|Kimimaro can't even put a scratch on her while she's distracted by "teh fuzziez"}}
** Waltz takes on {{spoiler|the First and Second Hokage with relatively little effort and frees them from their enslavement to Orochimaru. A future-savvy Sakura nearly broke her arm trying to punch him. And Kimimaro, of all people, received the humbling experience of being on [[The Worf Effect|Worf's side of the effect]] when he tried to run the elder through with one of his bone swords.}}
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: "Ice cream people!"
** Ghost can give a massage by Seventh Sense. Also, his training of Anko.
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** Dragon Demon Goddess... Thing.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: This entire fic is one massive aversion of this trope. Played straight in a subtler way in that the Oogakari are a significantly humbling presence to just about anyone living in Konoha.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: The Oogakari might as well be called walking Nukes.
** Naruto has his Exploding Shadow Clones and Rasenshuriken, and that's without using the Kyuubi.
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** Even Naruto's '''shadow clones''' find this amusing.
* [[Twin Threesome Fantasy]]: Ghost has a brief [[Imagine Spot]] of this early on with regards to the Hyuuga.
* [[Unnecessarily Large Interior]]: The Oogakari's underground training area, purposefully taken from [[Bleach]]. Unlike for Urahara, though, subverted in that, given [[Training from Hell|what happens there]] [[Physical God|on a usual basis]], it's often VERY necessary.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Not too many have been displayed thus far, but the few times it happens more than make up for quantity with quality.
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** Shikamaru bluntly tells Chouji to ask Ino out before she becomes a Special Jonin because of the former's uncanny level of [[Genre Savvy]].
** The Third also [[Lampshades]] the trope with respect to <s>political power</s> <s>paperwork</s> '''both''' by saying that he has ANBU set up to record Naruto's reactions for the first 6 months in office when the hat is finally passed to him.
* [[Won't Work On Me]]: Any attempt by an in-universe character at intimidation or flat-out physical harm towards an Oogakari will have only one outcome: complete and utter failure. That is, unless one of them thinks it would be funny.
** Ghost's fights are absolutely made of these, as it's virtually impossible to get remotely close to touching him.
** Scabbard is capable of countering anything through [[Awesomeness By Analysis]], {{spoiler|and if he's in direct contact with the ground, say bye-bye to whatever range advantage you had.}}
** Shadow can pull out every element in the book, knows her way around practically every approach to fighting, and possesses a Dragon Demon Goddess... Thing whose name could have put baby Biju fearfully to sleep at night. {{spoiler|Kimimaro can't even put a scratch on her while she's distracted by "teh fuzziez"}}
** Waltz takes on {{spoiler|the First and Second Hokage with relatively little effort and frees them from their enslavement to Orochimaru. A future-savvy Sakura nearly broke her arm trying to punch him. And Kimimaro, of all people, received the humbling experience of being on [[The Worf Effect|Worf's side of the effect]] when he tried to run the elder through with one of his bone swords.}}
* [[The Worf Barrage]]: The only techniques shown or implied to NOT be this against a select Oogakari are Haku's Tail of the Northern Dragon, Naruto's Rasenshuriken, and Lee's Celestial Gates.
* [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]]: Exploited by Kakashi when {{spoiler|he takes advantage of his own Mangekyou when Itachi hits him with Tsukuyomi, using the extra time to converse with the Uchiha prodigy and set up the first defection within the Akatsuki.}}