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* Ted from [[Better Off Ted]] is adored by all of his workers who will do virtually anything to curry his favor. Even his [[Ice Queen]] boss Veronica adores him.
* Ted from [[Better Off Ted]] is adored by all of his workers who will do virtually anything to curry his favor. Even his [[Ice Queen]] boss Veronica adores him.

== New Media ==
* The peasants adore ''The Lord of Darkwood'', occasionally to a comical degree.
{{quote|'''Stanislav:''' The Lord of Darkwood does not practice ''[[Droit du seigneur|the lord's right]]''. You and your lover do not need his leave to consummate your marriage–
'''Peasant Husband:''' Actually she and I were kinda looking forward to it. Can you please do us a favor and ask him to reconsider? We can wait if the lord is too busy right now–
'''Peasant Wife:''' The lord is very handsome, isn't he? I would be so happy if my first babe was his!}}
In fairness the dude risks his life against the supernatural on behalf of his subjects on all the time. (Not that they know that. [[Shrouded in Myth|They think]] he's an invincible badass that looks out for them, unlike their previous lords who were apathetic or out right cruel).

== Video Games ==
== Video Games ==