Antagonist in Mourning/Quotes

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"It reminds me of the time my dog actually caught a squirrel, after all those years of trying...He looked sad. Like he'd ruined something for himself."
Jon Stewart

Budd: ...So, now you ain't gonna have to face your enemy on the battlefield no more, which "R" you filled with: Relief or Regret?

Elle Driver: A little bit of both.

Budd: Horseshit. I'm sure you do feel a little bit of both. But I know damn well you feel one more than you feel the other. The question was, which one?

Elle Driver: ...Regret.

(Later, after the Black Mamba bites Budd)

Elle Driver: Now, in these last agonizing minutes of life you have left, let me answer the question you asked earlier more thoroughly. Right at this moment, the biggest "R" I feel is Regret. Regret that maybe the greatest warrior I have ever known met her end at the hands of a bushwhackin', scrub, alky piece of shit like you. That woman deserved better.

Dee-Jay: [Upon learning that Guile had died] That is great news General, Congratulations!

Bison: On the contrary, I mourn.

Dee-Jay: [At a loss] Okay...

Bison: I was hoping to face Guile face-to-face on the battlefield, one gentleman warrior to another. In respectful combat. Then I would snap his spine. Ah... the road not taken.
Is this what happens to us? A life of conflict with no time for friends...So that when it is done, only our enemies leave roses.
Rorschach, Watchmen

Antony: This [Brutus] was the noblest Roman of them all:

All the conspirators, save only he,

Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;

He only, in a general-honest thought

And common good to all, made one of them.

His life was gentle; and the elements

So mix'd in him that Nature might stand up

And say to all the world, "This was a man!"

Octavius: According to his virtue let us use him

With all respect and rites of burial.

Within my tent his bones to-night shall lie,

Most like a soldier, order'd honorably.

Antony: This was the noblest Roman of them all...

Legionary: Was he? ...Should we be angry with you now he's dead?

Antony: What? No! No. Fuck no.
Hark a Vagrant: Julius Caesar part two.
Without Batman, Crime has no punchline.
The Joker, "The Man Who Killed Batman"

Slash: I miss Bob!

Hack: WHAT!

Slash: Bob always stopped us before we could do anything really bad. Now nobody does.

Hack: Hey, I never thought of it like that before.

Without your schemes,

my life, it seems,

is empty.

I'd spend all my time keeping you from doing wrong.

You were my only nemesis

I'd foil your plans, but still I miss

the moments when we didn't get along.
The Moments When We Didn't Get Along, "It's About Time", Phineas and Ferb