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== Western Animation ==
* Although he survived, the shooting of Mr. Burns on ''[[The Simpsons]]'' qualifies—they took an entire episode generating an improbable circumstance in which literally every character in the show had a motive to kill him. Then it turned out it was {{spoiler|the baby—who he was stealing candy from at the time.}}
* ''[[Darkwing Duck (animation)|Darkwing Duck]]'' has Doctors Gary and Larson killed by being covered in plants. Considering the fact that they bullied Bushroot, they really are assholes.
* ''[[Batman: The Animated Series|Batman the Animated Series]]'' has an example in the episode "Heart of Ice", the origin episode of [[Anti-Villain|Mr. Freeze]]. On the outside, CEO Ferris Boyle of GothCorp seems like a pretty decent fellow, even gaining an award for being the "Humanitarian of the Year". But this couldn't be further from the truth. Not only did Boyle nearly kill Nora Fries by stopping her husband from freezing her until a cure could be found for her terminal illness but he ruins Victor's life forever by kicking him into a table full of chemicals, freezing him and forcing him to live in a subzero environment to survive. Even Batman is [[Oh Crap|horrified]] by Boyle's callousness and leaves him frozen from the waist down, while saying in disgust "Good night, Humanitarian."