• The Cameo: While there are several, the most notable would have to be Edwin Jarvis. It's also the first time that a character who originated in the TV shows appeared on the big screen. 
  • Shout-Out:
    •  Tony refers to Nebula as a "blue meanie."
    •  As Scott is outlining some basic rules of time travel, Tony realizes he's summarizing Back to the Future. It comes up a few more times, along with other time travel movies, mainly to point out that that's not how time travel works.
    •  Tony calls Thor "Lebowski." Becomes a Celebrity Paradox given that Obadiah Stane was The Dude.
    • The first lyrics of the Black Sabbath's song Iron Man is "I am Iron Man". Tony says those words to Thanos just before disintegrating him and his army into dust.

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