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* Without a doubt, [[Kane (wrestling)|Kane]] from the WWE. From the very beginning, Kane made his debut in the then-WWF as an unstoppable monster who destroyed everyone in his path. His badass decay began in the early 2000s when the writers tried to lighten his character up a bit by having him do comical imitations of other wrestlers like [[Hulk Hogan]] and [[Booker T]]. His character became considerably lightened up when he tag-teamed with the likes of the Hurricane and [[Rob Van Dam]]. Lightening up a wrestler in itself should not destroy their career but Kane's decline was more of a gradual process than something that happened overnight. He soon began jobbing to newly debuting monster heels like Batista and losing some of the menace that once made him a force to be reckoned with. Despite that, Kane still carried on as a high-ranking mid-card wrestler at worst, a powerful entity very few wrestlers could defeat without some sort of cheating tactic. Then the shit hit the fan when [[Triple H]] accused Kane of being a murderer and a necrophiliac, leading to an awkward and disgusting storyline involving [[Triple H]] in a Kane mask having sex with a mannequin corpse in a funeral home. Eventually, Kane was made to finally unmask on live-television in a second feud with [[Triple H]] and Evolution. It was downhill from there. Nowadays, Kane can be seen jobbing to various wrestlers that he would've demolished back in his masked Big Red Machine days ([[Edge]], [[Randy Orton]], [[Mark Henry]], [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]], etc.)
* Without a doubt, [[Kane (wrestling)|Kane]] from the WWE. From the very beginning, Kane made his debut in the then-WWF as an unstoppable monster who destroyed everyone in his path. His badass decay began in the early 2000s when the writers tried to lighten his character up a bit by having him do comical imitations of other wrestlers like [[Hulk Hogan]] and [[Booker T]]. His character became considerably lightened up when he tag-teamed with the likes of the Hurricane and [[Rob Van Dam]]. Lightening up a wrestler in itself should not destroy their career but Kane's decline was more of a gradual process than something that happened overnight. He soon began jobbing to newly debuting monster heels like Batista and losing some of the menace that once made him a force to be reckoned with. Despite that, Kane still carried on as a high-ranking mid-card wrestler at worst, a powerful entity very few wrestlers could defeat without some sort of cheating tactic. Then the shit hit the fan when [[Triple H]] accused Kane of being a murderer and a necrophiliac, leading to an awkward and disgusting storyline involving [[Triple H]] in a Kane mask having sex with a mannequin corpse in a funeral home. Eventually, Kane was made to finally unmask on live-television in a second feud with [[Triple H]] and Evolution. It was downhill from there. Nowadays, Kane can be seen jobbing to various wrestlers that he would've demolished back in his masked Big Red Machine days ([[Edge]], [[Randy Orton]], [[Mark Henry]], [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]], etc.)
** Kane's been getting better. In an angle where someone has put [[The Undertaker]] in a vegetative state and Kane going out for revenge, he's been demolishing main eventers on a weekly basis; beating the hell out of Jack Swagger (heavyweight champ at the time), [[The Big Show]], Rey Mysterio, and [[CM Punk]]. Including taking on C.M. Punk's entire stable, the Straight Edge Society, three on one, and dominating them, and sending Punk running from the arena. All of this without Kane being directly involved in the title picture. Then he won the World Heavyweight Championship from Rey Mysterio out of nowhere. ''Then'' it was revealed that ''he'' was the one who put [[The Undertaker]] in a vegetative state out of bitterness at being in his brother's shadow all his career. '''''Then''''' he would respond to [[The Undertaker]]'s return by Tombstone Piledriving him and getting the best of him at every opportunity. '''''Then''''' he would pin [[The Undertaker]] easily at Night of Champions. '''''Then''''' he would do it ''again'' in a Hell In A Cell match, setting up [[Paul Bearer]] to backstab him in the process!
** Kane's been getting better. In an angle where someone has put [[The Undertaker]] in a vegetative state and Kane going out for revenge, he's been demolishing main eventers on a weekly basis; beating the hell out of Jack Swagger (heavyweight champ at the time), [[The Big Show]], Rey Mysterio, and [[CM Punk]]. Including taking on C.M. Punk's entire stable, the Straight Edge Society, three on one, and dominating them, and sending Punk running from the arena. All of this without Kane being directly involved in the title picture. Then he won the World Heavyweight Championship from Rey Mysterio out of nowhere. ''Then'' it was revealed that ''he'' was the one who put [[The Undertaker]] in a vegetative state out of bitterness at being in his brother's shadow all his career. '''''Then''''' he would respond to [[The Undertaker]]'s return by Tombstone Piledriving him and getting the best of him at every opportunity. '''''Then''''' he would pin [[The Undertaker]] easily at Night of Champions. '''''Then''''' he would do it ''again'' in a Hell In A Cell match, setting up [[Paul Bearer]] to backstab him in the process!
** After his [[And the Fandom Rejoiced/Professional Wrestling|remasking]] in late 2011, he completely got better.
** After his [[And the Fandom Rejoiced (Sugar Wiki)/Professional Wrestling|remasking]] in late 2011, he completely got better.
* [[The Undertaker]] lost a lot of his aura when after his feuds with [[Ultimate Warrior]], [[Hulk Hogan]], [[Randy Savage]], and [[Jake Roberts]], he feuded with nothing but sloppy big men such as Kamala, Giant Gonzales, Kama the Supreme Fighting Machine, and King Mabel. It took both [[Kevin Nash|Diesel]] and [[Mick Foley|Mankind]] beating some badass back into 'Taker to finally get that back.
* [[The Undertaker]] lost a lot of his aura when after his feuds with [[Ultimate Warrior]], [[Hulk Hogan]], [[Randy Savage]], and [[Jake Roberts]], he feuded with nothing but sloppy big men such as Kamala, Giant Gonzales, Kama the Supreme Fighting Machine, and King Mabel. It took both [[Kevin Nash|Diesel]] and [[Mick Foley|Mankind]] beating some badass back into 'Taker to finally get that back.
* Tazz (or Taz). Initially one of the toughest, most brutal wrestlers in ECW, Tazz made his debut in the then-WWF by giving [[Kurt Angle]] his first ever official loss. Very soon, however, Tazz's badass decay began when he began feuding with the announcers, [[Jim Ross]] and [[Jerry Lawler]]. After that was over, he became a glorified jobber. Though he did make a small comeback later on by winning the tag team titles with Spike Dudley, it was a little too late by then. After losing the tag team titles, Tazz pretty much stopped wrestling and joined the announce team with [[Michael Cole]].
* Tazz (or Taz). Initially one of the toughest, most brutal wrestlers in ECW, Tazz made his debut in the then-WWF by giving [[Kurt Angle]] his first ever official loss. Very soon, however, Tazz's badass decay began when he began feuding with the announcers, [[Jim Ross]] and [[Jerry Lawler]]. After that was over, he became a glorified jobber. Though he did make a small comeback later on by winning the tag team titles with Spike Dudley, it was a little too late by then. After losing the tag team titles, Tazz pretty much stopped wrestling and joined the announce team with [[Michael Cole]].