Band of Brothers (TV series)/Tear Jerker

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Tear Jerkers in Band of Brothers (TV series) include:

  • Every tear jerker is put Up to Eleven because it really happened.
  • You know they'll show the Nazi concentration camps sooner or later in Band of Brothers, considering the setting. Doesn't make the view less of a Tear Jerker.
    • In particular, when wisecracking tough guy Liebgott (a Jew) is translating between the prisoners and Winters, and they all suddenly realize why these people are gathered here to die. And Liegbott's corresponding mini-breakdown.
    • Winters' voiceover at the end of the last episode, telling the audience how everyone's lives turned out.
  • The aptly-titled seventh episode, "The Breaking Point," sees characters the viewers have become emotionally invested in horrifically injured, killed, or suffer nervous breakdowns, made all the worse because it all really happened. Episode Nine, "Why We Fight," borders on Nightmare Fuel with the discovery of a (brutally accurate) concentration camp, as mentioned above.
  • 'The Breaking Point' is an episode-long Tear Jerker. Skip and Penkala are killed in their foxhole. One minute they're there, and the next they're gone.
  • The end scene of 'The Breaking Point' as the dead are named and they fade away.
  • Liebgott translating the speech that ends with "You all deserve long and happy lives in peace."
  • The real Richard Winters talking about what Mike Ranney wrote in a letter he sent him: "I treasure my remark to my grandson who asked, 'Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?' Grandpa said, 'No...but I served in a company of heroes.'"