
Revision as of 21:10, 4 September 2019 by Jade Shauni (talk | contribs)

  • The moment where Luka puts on Cereza's glasses, sees the Angels, and finally realizes that Bayonetta didn't kill his father, but was fighting the Angels that did.
  • Jeanne and Cereza reminiscing about their pasts.
  • After saving Young!Cereza from Balder, Bayonetta puts her to bed in what seems to be "the past". Bayonetta sings a song as Young!Cereza drifts off to sleep.
  • The first time Bayonetta calls Luka by his real name.
  • Hell, the ending when Romance starts playing is prone to produce the warm-fuzzies. Especially when Bayonetta pauses in her graveyard romp to pluck a flower from the Rosemary bushes Luka hauled in to lay on her casket.

In the language of flowers... rosemary equates to remembrance.

  • When Bayonetta saves and agrees to help Cereza, calling her "Mummy" is the first time Bayonetta shows any signs of vulnerability, and non-bad-ass-ness.

Bayonetta: When you cherish something, never lose it.

Cereza: Mummy is a witch, and witches protect people and are very strong. When I grow up, I'll be strong too and I'll protect my mummy! (She does.)

  • How Bayonetta lunges for and cradles Cereza the first time she saves her. And, related, the achievement name "A Mother's Love" inspires warm fuzzies.
  • Near the End, when Cereza (when with Baldar) acknowledges Bayonetta coming into the room.

Cezera: MUMMY!!!
Bayonetta:(relieved?) Little one...