
Revision as of 14:46, 7 August 2019 by Ecclytennysmithylove (talk | contribs) (Moved the Tear Jerker trope to its respectable page)

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: See this video.
  • Awesome Music: Lots, but the menu music for FLUX, Strange Comfort, is probably the best song in the series.
  • Game Breaker: The bosses of the second and third songs of VOID contained a horrible infinite score exploit if you stall forever while in "super" or "ultra" mode and steadily gain points. The updated version of the game disables the automatic score gain of those modes at the bosses.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: GIGA
  • Player Punch: The player themselves has to run into Mingrawn Timbletot. In essence, you kill the Commander.
  • Porting Disaster: SAGA has a few problems:
    • In RUNNER the background textures are wonky and the game is susceptible to graphical slow down
    • In VOID patterns will flat out just appear out of nowhere.
    • Despite this it's still playable and enjoyable, and the remaining four games seem more or less okay.
  • Scrappy Game: CORE
  • Scrappy Mechanic: "CHALLENGE"
  • That One Level: Level 1-11 in RUNNER is disproportionately harder than the majority of the game. No wonder there's a Steam achievment for passing it.
    • 3-2 Retro Challenge makes many perfectionists want to run out and murder the level designer.
    • BEAT is generally regarded as one of the harder games in the series, but the fifth section of Descent stands out in getting people stuck. Immediately, you have to survive a difficult challenge involving hitting erratically bouncing beats with a tiny paddle. If you managed to get through that, soon after comes an onslaught of bouncing beats that jump across most of the screen and move so fast that it is very difficult to spot the pattern. You'll be lucky to survive through Nether unless you know where to move beforehand.