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Stars convert hydrogen into helium via fusion, which produces enormous amounts of energy. This energy keeps the core from collapsing. However, when the star ages, the hydrogen runs out. Stars of sufficient mass can fuse helium into heavier elements (turning into red giants), but even that can't go on forever; producing elements heavier than iron uses energy instead of producing it. So at some point the star runs out of fuel and collapses.
Lighter stars become a degenerate-matter white dwarf which slowly cools over trillions of years into a black dwarf[[hottip:*:<ref>Not to be confused with "brown dwarfs", which are substellar bodies that were never massive enough to sustain fusion to begin with.]]</ref>. Stars with more than 1.4 times the mass of the sun have exceeded the "Chandrasekhar limit" and gravity combines electrons and protons to form neutrons, resulting in a neutron star. Stars whose mass exceeds the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit (about two to three solar masses, and definitely no more than five, but it's still unclear) are so massive that even the neutrons can't resist further collapse; it can be assumed that the star collapses down to the event horizon, and past it to a singularity (a single point, or a ring for a rotating black hole).
Black holes can form from masses smaller than stars if the mass is under enough pressure, producing a "micro black hole", but this may require exotic physical conditions such as the ones existing right after the Big Bang.
Black holes are strange things. Besides the singularity at the center, there is the event horizon, the point of no return, that once you cross it...[[Department of Redundancy Department|you can't return]]. Once inside the event horizon, you literally cannot go back:; spacetimespace-time is curved in such a way by the black hole's mass that any path you take leads to the same place: the singularity. Rotating black holes also have ergosphere:. a region near event horizon, where space-time spinspins around black holes faster then light.
In fact, space-time will become quite freaky around the event horizon: the closer you get to the event horizon, the [[Year Inside, Hour Outside|slower time becomes]] (due to relativity, however, you won't notice it). In fact, if an observer outside the event horizon could see you, they would see as you get closer and closer (and get redder, due to gravitation red shift, while everything you see would be bluer), you would go slower and slower until you hit the edge of the event horizon at which point you would ''stop'' (nobody would actually see you hit the event horizon, since you appear to slow down as you get closer, for an outside observer, you would take an infinite amount of time to reach it. You wouldn't actually stop, that's just what they'll see). This prediction, however, assumes zero mass of incoming object and neglect quantum effects, so reality may be more tricky.
Of course, nobody knows what'll will happen after that, but there still are some theoretical predictions: You'll actually never even notice crossing it. You would just continue accelerating until you hit the singularity and are compacted into it.
However, you'd probably be long dead before that anyway as black holes come with some dangers attached due to the extremely intense gravity around them: First, you'll be spaghettified (this ''is'' the scientific term for it); the tidal forces of the black hole are so strong that, if you were going in feet first, your feet would feel a stronger attraction than your head and thus your body would stretch out (incidentally, this occurs in more applicable situations, such as returning space shuttles, as well - the difference is that the attraction difference is so minor that the astronauts do not stretch a measurable amount). The gravity exerted by black holes is so strong that it can even deform atoms. On the upside, the bigger a black hole is, the less drastic this effect becomes on its edge; in fact, for a supermassive black hole, an individual should survive at least past the event horizon. The second big danger is good old radiation, due to gravitational blueshifting. Any radiation hitting you from the outside would be blueshifted (given higher frequencies, and therefore energy, as opposed to redshifting, which decreases the frequency of electromagnetic radiation and therefore their energy) and thus a lot more dangerous, to the point that, [ according to some simulations], it would be the thing that would kill you before you could reach the singularity, assuming a black hole big enough to neglect tidal effects. It's known as [ ''inflationary instability''] and, according to scientists, [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|its effects would go very far beyond of just vaporizing your body.]]