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(→‎Live Action TV: copyedits)
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** The point is made that in small-town Australia there isn't much to do except belong to funny clubs.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[The Honeymooners]]'' featured a fraternal order known as The Raccoon Lodge.
* Each episode of ''[[The Red Green Show]]'' ends with a meeting of the Possum Lodge, whose motto is "Quando omni flunkus, moritati" ([[Canis Latinicus|pseudo-Latin]] for "When all else fails, play dead").
* One episode of ''[[Mama's Family|Mamas Family]]'' featured Thelma infiltrating a snake-themed Brotherhood her son had joined, called "The Order of the Cobra".
* Also, a [[You Go, Girl!]] episode of ''[[Punky Brewster]]'' started with Henry coming back from his meeting of the Brotherhood of Funny Hats, complete with ridiculous bison-headdress.
* ''[[The Andy Griffith Show]]'' had an episode where Howard Sprague joins an order of which Andy and Goober are members. They only seem to wear the silly robes when they're deciding whether to accept a new member.
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* Howard Cunningham on ''[[Happy Days]]'' was a Grand Poobah of Leopard Lodge No. 462. More than one episode revolved around the lodge's annual Poobah Doo Dah.
* Parodied in ''[[The Thin Blue Line]]'' with "The Todgers", an exaggerated expy of the Masons whose rituals involve wearing a dress and kissing a frozen turkey's bottom.
* ''[[Everybody Loves Raymond|]]'': Frank Barone]] belongs to one of these.
* ''[[Married... with Children]]'s'' National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood, or [[Fun with Acronyms|NO MA'AM]] for short is supposed to fight the increasing power of women all over society. But when it comes down to it, they are just there for drinking beer.
* ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' has The Badger Convention, a Brotherhood of Funny Hats that goes around annoying people with childish pranks []
* ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'' includes the famous Ministry of Silly Walks. Lampshaded in "Live from the Grill-O-Mat" with the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things]], when John Cleese is questioned why his Staffordshire branch has not done anything.
{{quote|'''John Cleese:''' Well, Mr. Chairman; it's just that most of the members in Staffordshire feel...the whole thing's a bit silly.
'''All:''' ''[Offended]'' Silly?!
'''Graham Chapman:''' I suppose it is a bit. What have we been doing wasting our lives with all this nonsense? Right; OK, meeting adjourned forever! }}
** The Masons also appear in the ''Architect's Sketch'', including weird handshakes.. and de-programming masons (animated).
* Hayden's boss in ''[[Coach]]'' was a member of one of these. Hayden was invited to one meeting to make a speech in favor of his boss becoming the new head of the order, and ended up getting appointed leader for life because their goose mascot honked during his speech.
* The 'Keepers of the Kingdom' fill this particular role in ''[[Kingdom Hospital]]'': a secret order of people dedicated to keeping the hospital running well, at all costs. [[Jerkass|Stegman]] is eventually invited into the group; it [[Laser-Guided Karma|doesn't end well for him.]]