Brown Note: Difference between revisions

→‎Real Life: wikipedia links, spelling fixes, pothole correction
(→‎Real Life: wikipedia links, spelling fixes, pothole correction)
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== Real Life ==
* [[wikipedia:McCollough effect|The McCollough effect]] often effects the victim for over an hour and has been known to stick around ''3 and 1/2 months'' after it is induced. If you look at an image that causes the effect for a handful of seconds you should be fine.
* The anti-McCollough effect sticks around for quite a while too.
* Not to be confused with the real-life [[wikipedia:Brownian noise|"Brown noise,"]] which is completely harmless.
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** Also spoofed in ''[[South Park]]'', in the episode "Chinpokomon," which spoofs the Pokemon fad. At one point, the boys are watching an episode of this show, and Kenny has a seizure.
** It should be noted that it only affected children who had a history of seizures. If a person without them watches the scene, all it does it make your eyes water.
* Proving that the [[Monty Python's Flying Circus|Python]] boys really did know the lethal joke all along, in 1989 a Danish audiologist named Ole Bentzen [[Die Laughing|died of laughter]] watching ''[[A Fish Called Wanda]]''. [ The film made him laugh so hard that his heart lethally beat upwards up 500 beats a minute.]
** Similarly, in 1975 a U.K. man laughed so hard while watching the "Ecky Thump" episode of ''[[The Goodies]]'' that he suffered a lethal heart attack. His widow wrote the producers to thank them for making her husband's final moments so happy.
** On the other hand, there is a record of a woman suffering a [[Gorn|fatal heart attack while watching]] ''[[The Passion of the Christ]].''
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** Also reading about yawning. Having stopped yet?
** Slowpoke used Yawn! *player yawns*
* The infamous [[wikipedia:Blaster Beam|Blaster Beam]] musical instrument, most notably employed in ''[[Star Trek: The Motion Picture|Star Trek the Motion Picture]]'' and by Japanese musician Kitaro, has been reportedly able to cause female audience members a... climactic degree of stimulation (at least, in live performances, lest female tropers rush to their nerdy friends to borrow a copy of ST:TMP).
* Due to the nature of work with Thermodynamics being pessimistic, statistical mechanics is infamous for the number of famous suicides among the scientific founders. One text book has this as the opening paragraph.
{{quote|Ludwig Boltzmann, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the same work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics. [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|Perhaps it will be wise to approach the subject cautiously]].}}
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* The [[wikipedia:Tanganyika laughter epidemic|Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic]]. Imagine something so unbelievably funny that you keel over, and half-crouch half-lie, sides heaving, tears forming in your eyes, and then suddenly it's not funny and you're fighting to breathe, but you can't inhale properly because you can't make yourself stop laughing. Now imagine that's contagious.
* There is actually a weapon currently being tested by police which they refer to a "sonic cannon" that is designed to emit a long and powerful directional sonic burst at the exact resonance frequency of cranial fluid. Supposedly, it can knock an entire floor of an average office building unconscious after 10 seconds of exposure by mimicking the effects of a severe concussion without the accompanying impact trauma.
** Here's its debutedebut at the 2009 G20 summit in Pittsburg [ here] and [ here].
* For a brief time in 2008, there was a rumor going around on the [[GameFAQs]] message boards (and possibly elsewhere) that watching a video entitled [ Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv] would cause one to go insane, tear one's eyes out, and/or commit suicide. Most of the hype died down when it was discovered that the creepy guy in the video [[Jossed|was actually a tech support worker from Florida]].
* During an Anonymous protest outside of Scientology's headquarters/armed compound in Hemet, California, Scientologists tried to drive the Anons away by using [ a loud organ tritone], humorously dubbed the "Gold Note" after the base, in an apparent attempt at an actual Brown Note. It didn't stop the protest, and no changes of underwear were required. They even recorded it and used it against the Scientologists [ at a later protest.]
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{{quote|'''Adams:''' ''"[[Loudness War|PPFFFFFFPPPFFFPFFFFPPPPPPT]]. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|The Yangtze River, ladies and gentlemen]]."''}}
* Speaking of the [[Loudness War]], a ''really'' badly brickwalled track played through a really cheap and nasty pair of speakers or headphones will put many people on the fast track to a terrible headache.
* For sound decibels and hearing damage refer to this chart [\ this] [\ chart].