Bullet to the Head of the NRA

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Bullet to the Head of the NRA is a game produced on the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums as a response to NRA president Wayne LaPierre's speech following the Sandy Hook Massacre.

And as the game states you get to shoot the head of the NRA in the head....or anywhere else you prefer.

It's the sequel to The Clown Prince Rises, a game that uses the same engine.

Tropes used in Bullet to the Head of the NRA include:

  • Misaimed Fandom: Conservatives thought the game was a liberal trolling ploy, when the real purpose was to be offensive to everyone.
  • Stock Footage: A copy of the speech this game was intended to mock is played as if spoken by NRA president's ingame avatar. Until you shoot the NRA president.
  • Take That: To Wayne LaPierre's speech following the Sandy Hook Massacre about how violent videogames were responsible.
  • Villain Protagonist: You're an assassin, killing a guy for giving his opinion.