Burokku Girls/Headscratchers

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Takeshi is clearly not into Dr. Candy and she doesn't listen to his excuses as she tries to sex him up. So why doesn't he just outright tell her he's really not interested?
    • Takeshi didn't think fast enough, but he did think about it a while later.
  • In order to convince Joshua to let Takeshi try the VR device, Dr. Candy says that "maybe once he's experienced the fruits of our labours, he'll really understand just how important it is that we keep this a secret." Um, what? That'll just convince him to spill the beans even further than before. You'll be showing brand-new cutting-edge gaming technology to a teenager. What do you think he's going to do next? Be a goody two-shoes and keep the secret, or tell all his friends about the awesome experience he had? Even worse yet, he could leak the information to a gaming publication as an anonymous source. Clearly, Candy didn't think this through.
    • Also, the VR thing could be dangerous to him...
    • Takeshi is not the type of person to leak info like that.
    • A non-disclosure agreement would make this situation more tolerable.
      • Joshua makes Takeshi swear on his life that he won't tell anyone about Imagine V.
  • The procedure for disengagement of Imagine V, as said by Joshua, is to grab two knobs at the helmet and turn them backwards in ninety degrees. Only there are arm straps in the VR chair. Also, how the hell is Takeshi supposed to move his arms around IRL when fully immersed in the VR?! (Pointed out by Noble of Lost Pause)
    • Later, when trying to escape from painful fireballs, Takeshi attempts the above... but can't do it because of the aforementioned reason! God damn, that fail-safe was FUCKING STUPID!
      • He then attempts to yank his head in order to remove the helmet. Poor Takeshi. He can't realise he's fully immersed in the VR, what the fail-safe FAILED TO ACCOUNT FOR!
  • Takeshi is walking up a forest when a battle-damaged blonde-haired girl with a crossbow runs to him and tells him to run. Yet, he can't help but gawk at the girl's figure. Dude, RUN! Didn't you hear what she said?! I know she's the first AI he sees in a virtual world, that she's technically the product of cutting-edge coding and that she looks extremely attractive, but come on! We don't have time for that! There's danger coming up!

Noble: Really, dude?! That's what you're worried about, instead of run for your fucking life? Way to go.

    • Blame Takeshi's hormones.
    • Takeshi does run... after three warnings. (Damn, that Delayed Reaction...)
  • How can the VR technology replicate touch and scent so perfectly? (Tree bark, pine scent)
    • That's a question left for science-fiction imagination.
    • It's "the world's most advanced sensory interface". No more details beyond that.
      • What is the "Cascade system"?
  • For a proof in progress, the prototype game is both awfully sophisticated and sloppy.
    • Who designed and coded it?
      • Joshua did.
        • I doubt Joshua is a master coder.
    • Why is the art-style inconsistent, with its blocky world, hi-res bushes and photo-realistic NPCs?
      • Work-in-progress, yo.
        • But that doesn't excuse the haphazard art. Joshua should have stuck to one art-style. It would have made things easier for the eyes.
          • He's a scientist, not a game dev.
    • Why was hyper-realistic body physics (for the boobs) implemented in a prototype game that is not meant to be realistic? Even if the game runs on a supercomputer, axing that feature would have probably saved ressources.
      • Maybe the physics are simplified?
    • The blonde warrior princess is designed with enormous breasts that hinder her combat skills. That just seems like bad game design. Why even make the size of her breasts affect her skills? Couldn't the creators have just disabled collision detection for them? Or, you know, made the beasts smaller?
      • Is Joshua really that much of a pervert?
    • How does NPC AI work? Are they completely sentient? Is the whole game pre-scripted?
  • So Takeshi can't defend himself in the game. He has "no weapons, no power that [he] could access, no armor, no nothing." That's just great. Thanks for nothing, Joshua.
    • A beta tester would never get such a treatment when testing a game like that, unless the company was unprofessional.
  • While walking in a shortcut, Takeshi reveals to Asahi (the blonde warrior) that he comes from another world (to put it in terms that NPCs would understand). Asahi then asks:

"But if you are of another world as you claim... then how is it that you speak the same language as me? Or how is it you are even human at all? If you were of another world, then wouldn't you be... something else?"

    • Two words: Common Tongue
    • Takeshi can't reveal where he's really from, because that would shatter Asahi's world, as if a god came into existence and admitted his creation to his people.