But for Me It Was Tuesday: Difference between revisions

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== Live-Action TV ==
* The ''[[Studio C]]'' sketch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k42VgQ8aK1A Evil Memory Lapse]
* ''[[Charmed]]'' has an episode where {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Revolving Door]] Belthazar is being hunted by a good witch because he killed her husband. Because he is currently face, he is helping her hunt down the demon he thinks is responsible.}} After the accusation, he doesn't even know for sure if she is right or not.
* Sawyer from ''[[Lost]]'' {{spoiler|finally encounters the man that ruined his life by driving his father to kill Sawyer's mother, and then kill himself (through a routine con), only for the man to say that he ran that con dozens of times and that it was Sawyer's father who took it badly. His callous indifference gets him killed by Sawyer. Not that it would or should appease Sawyer, but he no doubt knew most people subjected to that con do not react such -- after all, he ran it himself on many occasions worthy of a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] moment, only stopping when he came face to face with a child of the conned couple, when logic dictates he must have known about him beforehand and or run the con on parents before}}.
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** In another episode, Raymond and family are attending the wedding of a girl Raymond knew in college. It turns out that Raymond went on a date with her once, and at the end of the night he didn't walk her to her front door, as he was more concerned about keeping an eye on his father's car. Raymond still feels incredibly bad about this, even though everyone else thinks he is just being neurotic. Finally, Raymond gathers his courage and apologises to the girl. Sure enough, she doesn't remember the incident at all.
* This trope frames the ''[[Southland]]'' episode "Wednesday", in which the narrator announces at the beginning: "Cops wake up every morning different from the rest of us. Our worst nightmare is just their Wednesday."
* The ''[[Studio C]]'' sketch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k42VgQ8aK1A "Evil Memory Lapse"].
* SHIA"Shia LABEOUFLeBeouf" (by [[Rob Cantor]]) has the lyrics:
{{quote|''Legendary fight with Shia LaBeouf
''Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf}}
== Religion and Mythology ==