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Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Complete Monster: Blastarr. Not only does he terrorize the most beloved character in the series during the raid on the Power Base, but even before that he abuses his fellow Biodread, Soaron, just for kicks... while Soaron was in no condition to defend himself.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Soaron. Yes, the big tin turkey has done some terrible things throughout the series, but you'd have to be completely heartless not to feel at least a little bit sorry for him in that one scene where Blastarr abuses him for shits and giggles while he was helpless and still regenerating.
  • Special Effects Failure: leaving aside the badly aged CG, expect this any time Soaron fires his lasers.
  • Too Good to Last: see Executive Meddling
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