Cultural Posturing/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character gives an example of how his/her culture is better than anyone else's.

  • Played Straight: Bob discusses how his nation of Tropestan has made numerous advances in the arts, medicine, science, math, literature, cooking, etc.
  • Exaggerated: Bob accentuates this by putting down some other nation/ethnic group/religion/etc. in his rant, no doubt invoking Godwin's Law and a bunch of stereotypes.
  • Inverted: Bob discusses how his nation of Tropestan sucks.
  • Justified: The discussion is a serious discussion about the history of Tropestan and its people.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob discusses some awesome thing from Tropestan.
    • Bob doesn't make a big deal about being from Tropestan
  • Double Subverted: Then mentions with a wink and a smile (to Alice, whom he is trying to pick up) that he is Tropestani.
  • Deconstructed: There's a time and a place for nationalism, but bringing it up in the wrong place and time comes across as being a Jerkass and causes a huge Internet Backdraft.
  • Reconstructed: Bob knows when it's OK to bring national pride and patriotism to the table, and when doing so would just make him look like a jingoist asshole, and only discusses Tropestan's achievements in appropriate contexts. (i.e. not on music videos on YouTube)
  • Parodied: Every other word from Bob's mouth (or fingertips if he's online) is "Tropestan"
  • Lampshaded: "Tropestan is soooo much better than Crapestan because..."
  • Averted: Bob never mentions being from Tropestan, or its achievements, even in passing.
  • Enforced: Character Filibuster, Author Filibuster
  • Invoked: A Troll insults Tropestan
  • Defied: Bob decides not to rant back, believing that doing so only brings him down to the troll's level.
  • Discussed: "Yes, Tropestan is pretty cool. Now can we please move on?"
  • Conversed: "Why does every video I find here include a history lesson-cum-Cavemen Versus Astronauts Debate in its comment thread?"
  • Played For Laughs: Tropestan, portrayed by Bob as the perfect country...doesn't even exist, nor did it ever.
  • Played For Drama: A Flame War (or worse, an actual war) starts over Bob's rant.